Eleven years ago I volunteered to add native #Infiniband / #RDMA support to #ZeroMQ. At the time I was working on high-performance networking and I thought it was a nice challenge... but shortly afterwards I landed my job at @mozilla and never finished it.
Since then I've been contacted multiple times by people who wished to finish my work but none succeeded. Last time was yesterday. Maybe I should give it a spin again: https://zeromq-dev.zeromq.narkive.com/a3hbU2H1/contributing-native-infiniband-rdma-support-to-0mq
Nice hugh level introduction about infiniband and how it's different than commodity ethernet.
#hpc #supercomputing #interconnect #rdma
Mehr als Döner und Türkisküste: Die Türkei erobert den Technologiemarkt
Mehr als Döner und Türkisküste: Die Türkei erobert den Technologiemarkt. Eines dieser Unternehmen ist die in Ankara ansässige Firma NGX Storage. Die eigene Entwicklung und moderne Ansätze nicht nur beim Preismodell macht die Lösung zu einer ernstzunehmenden K
#allgemein #storage #nvme #rdma #softwaredefined
the hope is that in the future, all these dedicated processor interconnects can be outmoded via some gobs of #GenZ or #OpenCAPI or #CCIX (or #HyperTransport 4 #HTX - #InfinityFabric released - make my day AMD!) that allow for more ad-hoc disaggregation & configurations. i don't even really want coherency, just some vaguely #infiniband like #rdma across remote chips, spread out across a board or larger chassis.
#rdma #infiniband #infinityfabric #htx #hypertransport #ccix #opencapi #genz