When #humanEnergy can be channelled into improving #BigTech and #autonomousDrone #AI systems without even the person knowing it, we wonder whether #HotelQuarantine might become the new variant of the #ReEducationCamp?
The #corporateMedia tells us you "must be fit" to be a worker at #covidHotel, they say you'll need many weeks of training and will be handsomely paid.
#humanEnergy #bigtech #autonomousdrone #ai #hotelQuarantine #reEducationCamp #corporatemedia #covidHotel #bigdata #concentrationcamp #mustBeFit
ASKER: Do you need to be placed in a reeducation camp?
ASKER: That's right - you have Facebook.
#weForgot #IForgot #funny #Facebook #Fakebook #Failbook #censorshipBook #reEducationCamp #hotelQuarantine #quarantine #gasChamber #radiationChamber
#weForgot #IForgot #funny #facebook #fakebook #failbook #censorshipBook #reEducationCamp #hotelQuarantine #quarantine #gasChamber #radiationChamber
ASKER: Do you need to be placed in a reeducation camp?
ASKER: That's right - you have Facebook.
#weForgot #IForgot #funny #Facebook #Fakebook #Failbook #censorshipBook #reEducationCamp #hotelQuarantine #quarantine #gasChamber #radiationChamber
#weForgot #IForgot #funny #facebook #fakebook #failbook #censorshipBook #reEducationCamp #hotelQuarantine #quarantine #gasChamber #radiationChamber