I still open road.cc from time to time and I still get upset of them picking up every clickbait from #ReachPLC and promote it to their readers.
Every single silly "we are prisoner in out homes", "we need to drive 100km to go from one side of the village to the other" is picked up.
When independence happens, one presumes that Bristol plans to be on the north side of the border.
#journalism #reachplc #bristol #scottishindependence
#ReachPLC, which runs the network of dreadful clickbait factories BristolLive, Yorkshire Post, etc. is telling staff to publicise content on their personal social accounts regardless of whether a) they wrote it, b) they work in editorial and c) the story is even from the 'publication' they work on.
One story that was pushed was a tabloid fiction from the Daily Express, headlined "Meghan Markle no longer part of Royal Family after snubbing King's Coronation."
Don't click. Don't engage. Ever.
@seanski44 You are reading the wrong news outlets. @wood5y can tell you all about #ReachPLC, but really the #EasternDailyPress is what you need.
Just think. The driver of that car had the impudence to not remain in the driver's seat. #Audi drivers!
#reachplc #easterndailypress #Audi #bbcnews
You are enjoying the regular high quality of Reach PLC journalism.
More seriously: Whatever one may think about BBC News, at least Tess de la Mare found someone who would talk, even if that person had no actual knowledge to provide.
No-one at all would talk to George Thorpe of Reach PLC, and xe had to go with reporting that no-one would talk to xem, and just describing the picture.
#reachplc #journalism #bbcnews
The sad thing about the Lesstar Mercrih now being owned by Reach PLC is that this sort of stuff is now usually just recycled Daily Express tat, spammed word-for-word across hundreds of identical purportedly "local" newspapers. In this case, it's a lightly retouched PA Media piece.
Years ago, a journalist from the Mercrih might have been sent over to Raw Dykes Road for some local colour. No more.
@wood5y #LeicesterMercury #ReachPLC #GaryLineker #journalism
#leicestermercury #reachplc #garylineker #journalism
While they abandon communities in the UK, Reach seem to find more importance in expanding to the US instead.
Support independent local journalism!
#Journalism #ReachPLC #LocalNews #IndependentMedia #LocalMedia
#journalism #reachplc #localnews #independentmedia #localmedia