So my Ren-Baroque class role played a #reactingtothepast game, 1492 Conclave Election of a Pope. The students were brilliant. Even the hesitant ones eventually immersed themselves in character. Several bad Italian accents were heard, Cardinal Carafa kept complaining about how corrupt we all were and Cardinal Della Rovere kept trying to persuade us the French were no threat. They wanted to stay and keep playing after class! My heart is full #gamification
#reactingtothepast #gamification
@histodons I used #reactingtothepast for the first time this semester. my students had a fantastic experience with the Public Sphere game in my Early Modern Britain survey.
@histodons I used #reactingtothepast for the first time this semester. my students had a fantastic experience with the Public Sphere game in my Early Modern Britain survey.