¿Qué es esto? Gimp 2.8 funcionando en #ReactOS x64 bits. Y eso que aún no tenemos WOW64. ¡¡Ayúdanos a implementarlo!!
Chat oficial:
Tutorial: Instalando #ReactOS en #QEMU, manos a la obra - ReactOS en español
Gracias al desarrollador Julio Carchi (de la comunidad hispana) tenemos por fin la posibilidad de usar navegadores de código actual y Nginx para usarlo como cliente y como server.
Un bug en el MSAFD que lleva siendo investigado al menos 5 años.
#ReactOS #OS #FOSS #development
#reactos #OS #FOSS #development
Thanks for the screenshot. 👍
Win2K was also the last NT-Windows without online registration or activation.
And it is still possible to get all published updates by a modern #WSUS server (if you manually fix some certificate issues).
Hmm ... I miss it, because unfortunately it runs more stable than #reactos and boots on Hyper-V too.
Eine Woche mit #ReactOS als einzigem Betriebssystem... trotz Alpha Status zumindest bisher erstaunlich alltagstauglich.
#ReactOS just dropped a newsletter update to remind users that development is not dead, just that they changed how releases are executed.
ReactOS newsletter 102 vysvětluje, že projekt není mrtvý
ReactOS makes progress on x86-64 port and more
The last ReactOS release is already twp years old, and there seemingly hasn't been any news since. Of course, the project has not stalled, and in a newsletter the project details the progress that's been made since 2021.
In the last year and during the beginning of 2023, the ReactOS developers and contributors alike are working on many part
The ReactOS team's latest newsletter (the first since 2021) explains why releases have slowed to a crawl, explores the status of the 64-bit port (it's almost usable, but won't run 32-bit apps), and more details about this open source Windows Windows NT clone. https://reactos.org/blogs/newsletter-102/
#oscnagoya #ReactOS #ukagaka #SSP
#oscnagoya #reactos #ukagaka #ssp
The #Windows re-engineer #ReactOS seems to have lost steam? The home page hasn't been updated in over a year, and the release version hasn't been updated in the same time. They used to participate in GSOC and still have their year old note up but they didn't seem to get involved for 2023. Does anyone out there know if they've fallen on hard times or what the reason for the appearance of being so stalled is?
RT @reactos
Two days ago, #ReactOS official Twitter account reached 15k followers!!! Thank you for supporting us!
Keep supporting the project and contributing - every patch helps!
So what's with the big multi year delay in the next #reactos release despite the active development? Is it a big rearchitecture for 64 bit? I installed it on qemu, and. . . well it's buggy and seems like it's an option for running stuff that depends on #jetsql i.e. Microsoft access files. Is there a good "state of reactos" summary that explains direction, status, etc?
RT @reactos
Download #ReactOS codebase into ReactOS, modify it with Notepad++ and compile the ReactOS code, inside ReactOS. That's how Unia909 wrote his first patch for ReactOS!!
#SoftwareDeveloper #softwaretesting #SoftwareEngineering #developer
#reactos #softwaredeveloper #softwaretesting #softwareengineering #developer
RT @reactos
#ReactOS LiveUSB runs on PC with ASUS Prime Z790A motherboard, using RAMDISK method!
USB keyboard, mouse and USB drive are working via PCI-e USB 2.0 controller card.
Test: Zombiedeth
#softwaredevelopment #SoftwareEngineer #SoftwareTesting #developer
#reactos #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineer #softwaretesting #developer
RT @reactos
LMMS 1.2.2 works on #ReactOS!
Test: @ElQuetzalcoutl
#reactos #softwaredeveloper #softwareengineer #software #developer
RT @reactos
#ReactOS installs and runs on HP Mini 110-3100!
Original device drivers could not be installed.
Test: wengland02
#reactos #softwaredeveloper #softwareengineer #software #developer
@CliffWade +1. I checked Linux and ChromeOS, but the more detailed breakdown is:
* #Kubuntu on main laptop
* #Lubuntu or #Xebian on lower-powered laptops
* #Debian or #ArchLinux 32 on 32-bit systems
* Various #Ubuntu flavors on testing laptops as part of development work
* #ChromeOS on my tablet
* Windows 2000 and Windows 98 in virtual machines
* Random odd operating systems in emulators sometimes (#ReactOS, #NetBSD, etc.)
#kubuntu #lubuntu #xebian #debian #archlinux #ubuntu #chromeos #reactos #netbsd