React Queryはデータフェッチライブラリではない。非同期の状態管理ライブラリだ。
#TypeScript #React #reactQuery #TanStackQuery
#typescript #react #reactquery #tanstackquery
Braulio Diez Botella de Lemoncoders se gana a la audiencia. “Sería muy bueno poder tener los datos ya recuperados disponibles en una página y diferenciar datos en caché obsoletos para refrescar cuando haga falta”. #ReactQuery. #OpenSouthCode23
I'm getting there, almost ready with the implementation.
Next up will be to create a docs website. #kubb #swagger #zod #axios #reactQuery
#kubb #swagger #zod #axios #reactquery
Working with #tRPC I can definitely tell that #rtkquery was trying to solve the same issue, but it just took forever to setup and lacked docs.
Overall setting up rtkquery with types, transformations and authentication (because it is done client side) was much harder to setup.
Trpc is not really a 1 to 1 to rtkqery it is more of a “yes and”. With #reactquery built into trpc you get the benefit of avoiding the transformation section on server side + type inference to client side
Anyone have any recommendations on react component testing and mocking API-responses?
I'd preferably like to mock out the hook calling the query. Bonus if there are helps specifically for react-query
#react #NextJS #reactquery #vitest #jest #typescript
Stumbled across the fetcher/action data APIs in React Router 6.4. These folks tend to know what they’re talking about so I give them the benefit of the doubt.
But I’m skeptical of the data library integration pattern… it seems like you make the same requests in the loader function and again in your component via the hook (getting cached values).
That means that the loader and the hook use need to be kept in sync…
#javascript #react #reactrouter #reactquery
Volume 27 Thoughtworks Technology #Radar was published last month by @bboeckel, @edoernen and the other folks at #Thoughtworks. This time including #Deltalake from #DataBricks, #ReactQuery and more
#radar #thoughtworks #deltalake #databricks #reactquery
Seems the done thing is to write an #introduction, so here goes.
I'm a Yorkshireman and grew up in #Sheffield.
I'm a software engineer using #ReactJS, #Javascript, #MongoDB, #nodejs and #ReactQuery. I work for a tiny company right in my current home town of #Salisbury.
I #cycle a lot, not as a leisure activity but cos the parking and fuel is free. I post a fair amount about #cycling, bad parking and speeding.
Learning #French and #Guitar for fun. I #exercise most days cos I like cake.
#exercise #guitar #french #cycling #cycle #salisbury #reactquery #nodejs #MongoDB #javascript #reactjs #sheffield #introduction