Also yes I'm very confused by the power of 2 in the logo too.
React is 10 years old and they made a big deal out of that at #ReactSummit, but the logo implies it's 10^2 or 100 - but then there's a square root over 'anniversary' so maybe that's sqrt(100^2) so we're back to 10 again... I dunnooooo
Happy if anyone from #GitNation could clear it up, hahah
One big takeaway from #ReactSummit for me, is that the big players are hyper aware of the loading time/JS bundle size problem, and they are all keen to fix it.
Whether they couch that in terms of speed and fastness or whatever - the result is a return to SSR for portions of a site or a more complete static site made at build time, or only bringing in the JS just as it's needed instead of all at once on load.
A good thing. React is not going away any time soon, so I'm glad it's still evolving.
A very controversial sounding talk (given we're at #ReactSummit) "Should you use React in 2023?" is turning out not to be.
Their reasons for React:
- Familiarity
- Resources
- Ecosystem
- Performance (!) - glossing over its issues, by talking about the new SSR features.
They have ended it with caveats - and experiences they've had where other frameworks were better.
It's a mixture of sunk cost fallacy, network effect, and inertia IMO. But also, a choice has to be made at some point 🤷
I had a blast talking in front of so many awesome people about JavaScript iteration protocols at #JSNation! If you are looking for the slides they are here
Today I'll be hanging around at #ReactSummit, so if you are there too, let's chat 😊
I'm going to #ReactSummit and #JSNation in just over a week - who will I see there ?!