🪷 5 April #ReadARoadMapDay: Take the Blue Line to Alexandria and change to the #ViaHadriana Green Line for #Antinoopolis and Syene and points south up the Nile. Geographer #SashaTrubetskoy @sasha_trub has created this Roman Roads subway-style map: https://antinousstars.blogspot.com/2022/06/a-fantasy-subway-transit-map-of-ancient.html 🪷
#readaroadmapday #viahadriana #antinoopolis #sashatrubetskoy
🪷 5 April #ReadARoadMapDay Now you can trace the footsteps of #Antinous through the streets of Rome, thanks to the Digital Severan street map Forma Urbis Romae. The Palatine? The Forum? The tawdry Suburra/Subura? Explore it all without leaving home: https://antinousstars.blogspot.com/2020/11/trace-footsteps-of-antinous-with-this.html 🪷