Premiering in 2½ hours! The most exciting #sciencefiction #readathon on #booktube is back for its third season, with new goals and challenges! #scifi #spaceopera
#sciencefiction #readathon #booktube #scifi #spaceopera
I'm having an impromptu #readathon Friday evening - Saturday evening (Western European time). Anyone interested in virtual buddy reading?
I just finished rereading Star Wars – The New Jedi Order: Onslaught. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve read this book several times in the past, but it definitely brings a warmth in the heart. I really like the way Stackpole writes and makes me feel at home. I really like the way he approaches the main characters and makes the reader feel connected with the Solo brothers.
#starwars #swnjo #newjediorder #reading #readathon #books @bookstodon
#starwars #swnjo #newjediorder #reading #readathon #books
That is a truly sad event. Sad for all people who prefer the gorgeous experience of holding a #book in their hands, turning the page and engaging in a #readathon. Lovely 'real' #bookshop still open in #mumbles .
#mumbles #bookshop #readathon #book
Switched gears a bit, went with a #fantasy #read for today's first selection! Rhapsody by Elizabeth Haydon. Might switch back to Persuasion or Madame Bovary later.
#readathon #weekend
#fantasy #read #readathon #weekend
I'm doing my own personal #readathon this weekend! Started yesterday and will end on Sunday night! Already one book finished: Silence of the Lambs, and onto Persuasion
Welp, with #campnanowrimo ending, begins the 2023 Asian Readathon Challenge.
Already read 49 pages of Paper Girls, trying to get the manga/comics out of the way so I can get to the fiction books.
#campnanowrimo #readathon #reading #books #papergirls
11:51 total reading time for this #readathon ! Didn’t quite finish my long read but I’m sleepy and ready for bed 🥱
This is my Current read: Captured (Le Veq Family #3) by Beverly Jenkins Goodreads Author. Captured is a high-stakes historical romance from Beverly Jenkins, award-winning author of Night Song and Jewel, in which a stunning young slave and a roguish privateer share forbidden passion on the high seas. Will have to put the rest of the description in another post. #readathon
Getting good use out of our porch but regretting picking a ~500 page book for my second read #readathon
Not officially doing #Readathon today because I’ve been feeling extra anti-social this week but I do have plenty of books, scone mix, and quiet around today so it’s all coming together in a predictable way.
#deweysreadathon #readathon I kicked off with some #LevarBurtonReads and now I'm settling into The Mere Wife, which is a delight #amreading
#deweysreadathon #readathon #levarburtonreads #amreading
Found an audiobook copy of “The Shadow of the Wind” by Carlos Ruiz Zafón on Libby, so I took a looooong walk to a bakery and then my favorite park.
It’s the first truly heartbreakingly beautiful weekend in Seattle this year, and everyone is out running biking playing #readathon
It’s Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon again today! Not sure if anyone is posting on Mastodon, but I will be. Probably hourly-ish.
Started off just after 9am PT with a short read on my shelves. #readathon
finally settling in to this book, the Tuscan secret by Angela pech. My first book of this 24 hour #readathon. I'm reading for a couple of hours before joining @MariahL and @radio for Saturday shenanigans, for Potter and Crazy party, where the Crazy party queen bitch will be crowned.
So I was given like five books for this #readathon I am doing starting Saturday. But first I have to finish 2 others...lucky the Kindle app can speak stuff FAST!
Preparation for the #Readathon next weekend. I won't read them all, but I like having options. #ReadersOfMastodon #AmReading
#readathon #readersofmastodon #amreading
I've read 7 of 30 books for the Goodreads 2023 Reading Challenge. … via @goodreads
My wife and I have finished our 1st book for #SpringHorror #Readathon
Go to for our daily progress updates.
Hey, April 29th is this spring's #Readathon! I'm looking forward to it. #Bookstodon