When you’re favorite bookstore is giving away ARCs from your TBR but that author from NetGalley bugged you for a review and you’ve got bookclub on Wednesday
#books #bookstodon #readerproblems #SoManyBooksToRead #solittletime
#books #bookstodon #readerproblems #somanybookstoread #solittletime
I’m juggling too many books. I’ve got 1 library book (post-apocalyptic YA), my book club book (adult genre fiction), a middle grade ARC, and an audiobook going.
I’ve got 7 NetGalley books I need to get started on and 2 ARCs I won from GoodReads. Anyone wanna babysit so I can read?
#bookstodon #readerproblems @bookstodon
3 of us forgot book club is in a week and not last night. We all read up until where we’re supposed to be in the book and realized what happened. I feel better it wasn’t just me.
#readerproblems #bookclub
@bookstodon Adding *other* books I have in my shelf and have not read yet:
- The Prisoner of Zenda (Hope)
- The Black Corsair (Salgari)
- The Last of the Mohicans (Cooper)
- Ivanhoe (Scott)
- A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Twain)
- All Quiet on the Western Front (Remarque)
- The Plague (Camus)
- Since We Fell (Lehane)
Just to show how much I overbought in the last year... (most were cheap, though)
#ReaderProblems #bookstodon
My book club is on Wednesday. I’m supposed to read 120 pages of Trust by then. I was useless yesterday and today because of a gastro bug. Do we think I can do it? I’m not optimistic.
#readerproblems #books #reading #bookstodon
#readerproblems #books #reading #bookstodon
Me: “I’m going to read books from my shelves in April and May.”
Also me: *Signs up for NetGalley. Gets approved for multiple eARCs.*
#books #reading #ebooks #NetGalley #readerproblems #bookstodon @bookstodon
#books #reading #ebooks #netgalley #readerproblems #bookstodon
I want to read but my brain is fried. Our AC isn’t on yet so I spent the last 3 days hot and uncomfortable. The kid (3) and I slept for 3 hours this afternoon because we’re still recovering. We’re such winter babies.
3 was also EXHAUSTING. If I had a dollar for every time I said no, stop it, or don’t touch that, I could afford a new minivan. My brain is tired
#readerproblems #momlife #parenting #bookstodon
#readerproblems #momlife #parenting #bookstodon
I just heard the word perpetuity pronounced for the first time and it wasn’t how I thought
When you’re so overwhelmed with all the books you want to read you just screw around on the internet instead
#readerproblems #books #reading
#readerproblems #books #reading
Me: *is supposed to be reading*
Me: *browses online for books to buy instead*
#books #bookstodon #reading #readerProblems #bookLife #nonfiction
#books #bookstodon #reading #readerproblems #booklife #nonfiction
When you’re reading a long book that is well written and you’re enjoying it but you’re also ready for it to be over
#readerproblems #bookstodon #bookproblems #books #reading
#readerproblems #bookstodon #bookproblems #books #reading
Why do #book publishers have to have sales.... it's way too easy to buy #ebooks when it's an instant download 🤣
#book #ebooks #books #bookstodon #reading #readerproblems
I need to finish Demon Copperhead by January 25. I’ve got 300 pages left. This means I need to read at least 25 pages a day. This is potentially doable
#bookclub #readerproblems #bookstodon
#bookclub #readerproblems #bookstodon
Shopping online for ereaders and I'm wondering why none of them have an SD card slot 😆 8gb isn't very much room for all the books I have
#books #ebooks #ereaders #bookstodon #readerproblems
Ugh! I have a ton of driving to do today. Wouldn’t you know I started TWO good books last night and probably won’t get to read either until later tonight.
#joinin #christmas #readerproblems
I’m currently straddling 4 books and I’m at 75% in 3 of them. Since 3 are anthologies and 1 is basically homework (parenting book), I’m craving something more immersive so I started a novel
#readerproblems #books #reading @bookstodon
#readerproblems #books #reading
Reader coordinator: Hey, can you read an aliyah on <date>?
Me: <checks> Sure! I think I can handle that around the kids and whatnot.
Reader coordinator: While I have you, how about readings for these five other Shabbats?
(The pandemic really decimated our reader corps at our congregation.)
10 books into a 13 book series and book 11 doesn't come out until February. #avidreader #readerproblems.
What if.... I start reading a FOURTH book..? Is that too many at once?? I keep thinking in video games terms...
"DPS one book at a time, don't split the DPS! That's a 50 DKP minus!" 😅
#bookchat #bookstodon #readerproblems #bookish
I love my office but...it needs more shelves.
Alas, the only open space left is in two tight corners, which means zero commercial options, which means I'd custom or DIY woodwork, which means I''ll never get them.
I don't have the $$ for custom carpentry, & even if I had the proper tools, just thinking about DIY is exhausting.
Stacks of books atop stacks it is.
#WriterProblems #ReaderProblems NeverTooMAnyBooks
#writerproblems #readerproblems