@DamoreW #trudat but I was pointing out some obvious indicators that things are getting worse. Just because it’s always been bad doesn’t mean that people SHOULDN’T try and avoid the catastrophic. Things weren’t particularly great for Jewish people in Germany BEFORE the 30s, the ones that stayed just couldn’t believe it could get worse… #readthesigns #readhistory
#trudat #readthesigns #readhistory
A few days ago I finished Erik Larson’s book about Churchill’s first year as PM, The Sublime and the Vile.
Now I’m reading In the Garden of Beasts, about the American ambassador’s year in Berlin as Hitler consolidated power.
Both books have many parallels to the conditions of 2023. An ally needs help, but do we come to their aid? (only if we have to)
A govt slides into authoritarianism but how many people take it seriously? Not enough—esp if there’s FUN to be had!