BOOK REVIEW : The New Town Librarian by Kathy Anderson
#lgbtbooks #lesbianbooks #indiebooks #bookreview #library #librarian #books #booklove #readincolor #lgbtq #queer #queerbooks #bookstodon @bookstodon #romcom #romcombooks
#lgbtbooks #lesbianbooks #indiebooks #bookreview #library #librarian #books #booklove #readincolor #lgbtq #queer #queerbooks #bookstodon #romcom #romcombooks
My little free library is a #ReadInColor #LittleFreeLibrary. But what does it mean ?
Read in Color little free libraries distribute #books that provide perspectives on #racism and #socialjustice . They celebrate #BIPOC, #LGBTQ+, and other marginalized voices and incorporate experiences from all identities for all readers.
You wish to know more ?
@littlefreelibrary #LittleFreeLibrarySteward #littlefreelibrarylove
#readincolor #littlefreelibrary #books #racism #socialjustice #bipoc #lgbtq #littlefreelibrarysteward #littlefreelibrarylove
Hi ! I am the Steward of a small Blue Box growing in my yard where I share books with the Community. I read a lot. So I share a lot of books.
#introduction #readincolor #littlefreelibrary #literacy #bookstodon #books #fantasy #sff #historicalnovel #romcom #kidlit #yabooks #graphicnovel #comics #picturebooks #fairytale #folklore #legend #folktale #faery #mythology #genealogy #art #illustration #animals #cats #chickens #nature #doctorwho #studioghibli
Hello everyone ! I am a #Readincolor #LittleFreeLibrary #Steward.
I love #books . Totally obvious. And love to share everything I read with my community.
I read a little of everything, but in particular #graphicnovel #fantasy #yalit #picturebooks #historicalnovel #Mythology #legend #fairytale #folktale .
I love everything linked to #Faery and #Arthurian Legend.
#introduction #readincolor #littlefreelibrary #steward #books #graphicnovel #fantasy #yalit #picturebooks #historicalnovel #mythology #legend #fairytale #folktale #faery #arthurian
My little free library is a #ReadInColor #LittleFreeLibrary. But what does it mean ?
Read in Color little free libraries distribute #books that provide perspectives on #racism and #socialjustice . They celebrate #BIPOC, #LGBTQ+, and other marginalized voices and incorporate experiences from all identities for all readers.
You wish to know more ?
@littlefreelibrary #LittleFreeLibrarySteward #littlefreelibrarylove
#readincolor #littlefreelibrary #books #racism #socialjustice #bipoc #lgbtq #littlefreelibrarysteward #littlefreelibrarylove
Hi ! I am the Steward of a small Blue Box growing in my yard where I share books with the Community. I read a lot. So I share a lot of books.
#introduction #readincolor #littlefreelibrary #literacy #bookstodon #books #fantasy #sff #historicalnovel #romcom #kidlit #yabooks #graphicnovel #comics #picturebooks #fairytale #folklore #legend #folktale #faery #mythology #genealogy #art #illustration #animals #cats #chickens #nature #doctorwho #studioghibli
My little free library is a #ReadInColor #LittleFreeLibrary. But what does it mean ?
Read in Color little free libraries distribute #books that provide perspectives on #racism and #socialjustice; celebrate #BIPOC, #LGBTQ+, and other marginalized voices; and incorporate experiences from all identities for all readers.
You wish to know more ?
@littlefreelibrary #LittleFreeLibrarySteward #littlefreelibrarylove
#littlefreelibrarysteward #littlefreelibrarylove #readincolor #littlefreelibrary #books #racism #socialjustice #bipoc #lgbtq
Hi ! I am the Steward of a small Blue Box growing in my yard where I share books with the Community. I read a lot. So I share a lot of books.
#readincolor #littlefreelibrary #literacy #bookstodon #books #fantasy #sff #historicalnovel #romance #kidlit #yanovel #graphicnovel #comics #fairytale #folklore #legend #folktale #genealogy #animals #cats #chickens #nature #doctorwho #studioghibli