Epic 😀 And to think that many in that crowd weren't even born when this song came out. A timeless classic. 🤩
I thought the story behind the scientists who discovered Gravity Waves would make for a fascinating tale! Unfortunately, the author isn't a great storyteller, and the book kinda fizzles. #Reading2023
Back to my favourite author. The novellas are wonderful in this. Most of the short stories feel very dreamlike and aimless and sharp. Not sure I love this all as much as I usually like his collections.
#reading2023 #fantasy #shortfiction
Hmmm. It may just be the age of the book, but this language is sooo purple. All jokes about the F name aside, Victor is clearly the monster.
Not sure I'd actually recommend people read this. There isn't really any sci in this sci fi.
#reading2023 #scifi #ClassicLiterature
Oh man, I REALLY wanted to like this book. Gushing reviews from people I trust; new weird; queer scifi; charismatic kiwi author, etc etc.
However it felt like I was being rushed through an interesting place while someone told me why it could be interesting, without actually showing me the interesting things. I never quite understood any motivations. The description often made me more confused. Really frustrating. #reading2023
Phew, reading this classic took some time. It started with a queer Ishmael describing how he meet his Polynesian boyfriend and then they decided to go hunt whales. Then I discovered that Neal Stephenson novels are just retreading the trail Mieville blazed first; only he wrote about Whales in extreme detail, the new knowledge of his time. I really enjoyed it! #Reading2023
Phew, reading this classic took some time. It started with a queer Ishmael describing how he meet his Polynesian boyfriend and then they decided to go hunt whales. Then I discovered that Neal Stephenson novels are just retreading the trail Mieville blazed first; only he wrote about Whales in extreme detail, the new knowledge of his time. I really enjoyed it! #Reading2023
This audible series is absolutely outstanding. The Song of Orpheus was heart rending, and the momentum of the main story is strong and sure. Beautiful stuff! #Reading2023
This audible series is absolutely outstanding. The Song of Orpheus was heart rending, and the momentum of the main story is strong and sure. Beautiful stuff! #Reading2023
Tonight's reading. Come join me on @thestorygraph
#bookstodon #NowReading #reading2023 #BedtimeBooks
#bookstodon #nowreading #reading2023 #bedtimebooks
Short stories I've read, 2023 (ongoing)
45) "The Good Girls." S.M. Beiko, 2021, 8pp.
Found in: ALTERNATE PLAINS: STORIES OF PRAIRIE SPECULATIVE FICTION. Anthology, Enfield & Wizenty, 2021. Darren Ridgley, Adam Petrash, eds.
46) "Eggshells." Linda Trinh, 2021, 11pp.
Found in: Ibid.
47) "The Slough." Sheryl Normandeau, 2021, 9pp.
Found in: Ibid.
#bookstodon #ShortStories #Reading2023
(17 of ?)
#reading2023 #shortstories #bookstodon
Short stories I've read, 2023 (ongoing)
42) "And In Our Daughters, We Find a Voice." Cassandra Khaw, 2016, 9pp.
Found in: BREAKABLE THINGS. Collection, Undertow Publications, 2022.
43) "Some Breakable Things." Cassandra Khaw, 2016, 11pp.
Found in: Ibid.
44) "In the Rustle of Pages." Cassandra Khaw, 2015, 16pp.
Found in: Ibid.
#bookstodon #ShortStories #Reading2023
(16 of ?)
#reading2023 #shortstories #bookstodon
Lately I’ve been tilting my poetry collection toward “Poetry by favorite speculative fiction authors who didn’t treat poetry as their main thing.”
The newest addition arrived today!
I shall report back! 🧐
#poetry #readingPoetry #writingCommunity #SciFi #ScienceFiction #IainBanks #books #Bookstodon #reading2023
#poetry #readingpoetry #writingcommunity #scifi #sciencefiction #IainBanks #Books #bookstodon #reading2023
Madly, Deeply - The Diaries of Alan Rickman. The book begins with his diaries of 1993. This was 5 Years after his role as Hans Gruber in Die Hard. Rickman was a prolific diarist having written 26 volumes before his passing in 2016. This man never seemed to enjoy or prepare a home cooked meal. He dined out extensively. A good read so far. #alanrickman #reading #reading2023
#alanrickman #reading #reading2023
Annual tradition: start a book thread, then forget about it some 3 weeks into the new year. So here goes: Book no.1 this year is Madeleine Miller's Song of Achilles (2011). I loved retellings of Greek mythology as a child, reading this as an adult follow-up. #Reading2023
Book 2 of 2023 is a sheer delight!
#reading2023 #elspethbarker #ocaledonia #gothic #literaryfiction #scottishhighlands #bluestalking
#reading2023 #elspethbarker #ocaledonia #gothic #literaryfiction #scottishhighlands #bluestalking
If you're participating in any exciting #readingchallenge this year, please share! I'm interested in possibly jumping on board, depending how it fits with my schedule.
I'm going to be reading more #worldliterature #willacather #salmanrushdie and #virginiawoolf among others. I'm interested in #classicliterature and #literaryfiction but also #nonfiction and other genres.
#ReadingChallenge #worldliterature #willacather #salmanrushdie #VirginiaWoolf #ClassicLiterature #literaryfiction #nonfiction #bookstodon #bookdiscussion #reading2023 #bluestalking