2023 Reading Challenges Update: August
#readingchallenges #reading #blogging #readingchallenge
2023 Reading Challenges Update: July
#readingchallenges #reading #blogging #readingchallenge
Listen Up! 2023 #Audiobook Challenge Mid-Year Update
#ListenUp #AudiobookChallenge #Audiobooks #ReadingChallenges
#readingchallenges #audiobooks #audiobookchallenge #listenup #audiobook
2023 Reading Challenges Update: June
#readingchallenges #reading #blogging #readingchallenge
2023 #Audiobook Challenge Mid-Year Check-In https://twimom227.com/2023/07/2023-audiobook-challenge-mid-year-check-in.html #AudiobookChallenge, #Audiobooks, #ReadingChallenges @Twimom227
#readingchallenges #audiobooks #audiobookchallenge #audiobook
2023 #Audiobook Challenge Mid-Year Check-In
#ListenUp #AudiobookChallenge #Audiobooks #ReadingChallenges
#readingchallenges #audiobooks #audiobookchallenge #listenup #audiobook
2023 Reading Challenges Update: May
#readingchallenges #reading #blogging #readingchallenge
2023 Reading Challenges Update: April
#readingchallenges #reading #blogging #readingchallenge
2023 Reading Challenges Update: March
#readingchallenges #reading #blogging #readingchallenge
2023 Reading Challenges Update: February
#readingchallenges #reading #blogging #readingchallenge
2023 Reading Challenges Update: January
#readingchallenges #reading #blogging #readingchallenge
I will be doing a #comics and #GraphicNovels reading challenge this year, if anyone has any suggestions for good recent reads in this genre I should't miss :)
#comics #graphicnovels #amreading #bookstodon #readingchallenges
Pues primera lectura del año. Y madre mía, qué viaje. Ha sido espectacular, más todavía con el buen trabajo que ha hecho la narradora del audiolibro (el tiempo que me duró el Podimo, claro, que lo he terminado en versión kindle).
Es un libro intensísimo, tanto en su parte fantástica como los escalofriantes relatos de la Argentina de las décadas 70-80. Un poderoso contexto que hace palidecer la truculencia del culto ancestral que se esconde entre sus páginas.
Es un peso pesado, y si te vas a adentrar en él, recomiendo que lo hagas a sabiendas de que vas a encontrarte a un libro exigente, pero que te compensa.
Con su lectura avanzo en tres de mis desafíos lectores de 2023:
📖 50 libros a leer
📖 Marvel, Fases I a III (Prompt: Iron man 2)
📖 Lectura de tarot (Prompt: El hierofante).
#booktodon #bookstodon #readingchallenges #lecturas2023 #nuestrapartedenoche #marianaenriquez
#booktodon #bookstodon #readingchallenges #lecturas2023 #nuestrapartedenoche #marianaenriquez
Los retos de lectura de este año se me han ido de las manos. I know.
#bookstodon #bookstodon #readingchallenges #retolector #desafiolector
#bookstodon #readingchallenges #retolector #desafiolector
And here is a blog post about my favorite books of 2022:
I made a list of some of the highlights my year, from poetry through YA fiction to nonfiction.
What were YOUR favorite reads in 2022? What are you looking forward to in 2023?
#AmReading #books #bookstodon #reading #ReadingChallenges #HappyNewYear
#amreading #books #bookstodon #reading #readingchallenges #happynewyear
In 2020 I set a goal to read 12 books. I read 6.
In 2021 I set a goal to read 12 books. I read 20.
In 2022 I set a goal to read 24 books. I read 40.
I'm seeing a pattern here and I love it.
#Bookstodon @bookstodon #Bookwyrm #ReadingCommunity #ReadingChallenges
#bookstodon #bookwyrm #readingcommunity #readingchallenges
Ahhh the frantic calculations two days out from the end of the year of how many pages you need to read to get one more book in for 2022
#bookstodon #readingchallenges #reading
Me acabo de dar cuenta de que en lo que llevamos de año he leído 22 novelas gráficas (vamos, #cómics y #mangas).
📚 Carta blanca, de Jordi Lafebre ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
📚 Ojo de Halcón: seis días en la vida de..., de Matt Fraction y David Aja.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
📚 Ojo de Halcón: pequeños aciertos, de Matt Fraction y David Aja ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
📚 Nada, de Claudio Stassi ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
📚 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency, parte 2, de Hirohiko Araki ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
📚 Stray Dogs, de Tony Fleecs ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
📚 El pecado original de Takopi (vol. 1), de Taizan 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
📚 El pecado original de Takopi (vol. 2), de Taizan 5⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
📚 Sandman (vol.1), de Neil Gaiman (relectura) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
📚 Sandman (vol. 2), de Neil Gaiman (relectura) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
📚 Sandman (vol. 3), de Neil Gaiman (relectura) ⭐⭐⭐⭐
📚 Sandman (vol. 4), de Neil Gaiman (relectura) ⭐⭐⭐⭐
📚 Sandman (vol. 5), de Neil Gaiman (relectura) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
📚 Children (vol. 1), de Miura Miu ⭐⭐⭐⭐
📚 Sandman (vol. 6), de Neil Gaiman (relectura) ⭐⭐⭐
📚 Papergirls (vol. 1), de Brian K. Vaughan ⭐⭐⭐⭐
📚 Persépolis, de Marjane Strappi ⭐⭐⭐⭐
📚 Lobezno: el viejo Logan, de Mark Millar ⭐⭐⭐⭐
📚 Strange Academy: first class, de Skottie Young ⭐⭐⭐⭐
📚 Strange Academy: bright side, de Skottie Young ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
📚 Strange Academy: wish-craft, de Skottie Young ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
📚 Spider-man: Life Story, de Chip Zdarsky ⭐⭐
So proud.
Aunque el bajonazo que ha sido el de Spider-man... buf. A ver si consigo más cómics de aquí a cerrar el año y levantamos cabeza.
#bookstodon #booktodon #graphicnovel #graphicnovels #novelagrafica #comic #comics #readingchallenges
#comics #mangas #bookstodon #booktodon #graphicnovel #graphicnovels #novelagrafica #comic #readingchallenges
Fun reading challenge on StoryGraph (independent book-logging app).
#ReadingChallenge2023 #ReadingChallenges #books #BookApps #bookstodon
#readingchallenge2023 #readingchallenges #books #bookapps #bookstodon
#Books #Nonfiction #Fiction #LGBTQbooks #Bookstodon #ReadingChallenge #ReadingChallenges #Mystery #Thriller #SciFi #Fantasy #SFF #AmReading #BookToot #Mythology #Ebooks #Libraries #Fairytales #Humor #UrbanFantasy #CrimeFiction #TrueCrime #GraphicNovels #CreativeNonfiction #Suspense #SuspenseThrillers #YoungAdult #QueerYA #QueerBooks #ShortStory #ShortStories #NewAdult #Memoir #Language #Spirituality #Science #Adventure #TerryPratchett #Discworld #SeananMcGuire
#introduction #followfriday #books #nonfiction #fiction #lgbtqbooks #bookstodon #readingchallenge #readingchallenges #mystery #thriller #scifi #fantasy #sff #amreading #booktoot #mythology #ebooks #libraries #fairytales #humor #urbanfantasy #crimefiction #truecrime #graphicnovels #creativenonfiction #suspense #suspensethrillers #youngadult #queerya #queerbooks #shortstory #shortstories #newadult #memoir #language #spirituality #science #adventure #terrypratchett #discworld #seananmcguire