@ReturnOfSchnuckster The lack of fine tuning with hashtags is my frustration; like the way #opera is used for both sung theatre and a web browser, or a single account can spam a hashtag(s).
I'd use them more but what I write isn't of sufficient interest to merit much engagement so there's little point other than #ReadingOpera makes it easy for me to find certain posts of my own.
Anyway, they are a powerful and not fully realised tool.
David Belasco's The Girl of the Golden West did not disappoint 💖 It's the source text for Puccini's La Fanciulla del West, which is very true to the novel/play.
Easy to read from @gutenberg_org too
@gutenberg_org So glad to see you here. I've been trying to point people on Mastodon and Bookwyrm towards your fantastic resources. I'm mostly using it to slowly read the novels behind #operas, which would be a complicated adventure in print but is very simple through #projectgutenberg 💖 💖
PS Some aren't tagged for the opera shelf. How can I recommend some for tagging there?
#operas #projectgutenberg #readingopera
Belasco's more detailed explanation of how Ramirez becomes a not-quite accidental bandit is probably as far fetched as Puccini's abbreviation but is a good deal more satisfying. Of course the novelisation of the play doesn't have music.
#amreading #readingopera #opera #LaFanciullaDelWest