Andrew Shields · @AndrewShields
106 followers · 1307 posts · Server
TL Wright | A Bookish Life · @tlwright
181 followers · 853 posts · Server

@beckalina Yeah that would work. I'd suggest a or type tag. Jason Kottke uses the term Media Diet for what he reads in a year + watches, listens & plays, and I like the concept since what media you consume is important too.

I use GR since I have a Kindle and it updates my progress automatically for me. I'm figuring out a way to use IFTTT to copy

#readingproject #mediadiet

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr Dominique Gracia · @graciado
73 followers · 18 posts · Server

The end of the year, then, and the start (tomorrow) of a new year's I managed 74 books this year, so my Great Nineteenth-Century Reading Project of 2023 (as I now like to think of it) shouldn't be too excessive.

The overwhelming consensus was to read thematically and start with Race and Empire as a theme, so here's the planned list. It's commentable, so pitch in if you think I've omitted something unmissable! 😍

#reading #2023reading #readingproject

Last updated 2 years ago