Ready to start 2023 on the right "reading" foot and stay motivated throughout the year? Get your Read Around the World Challenge mug here: #readingtheworld
Seeing the #readaroundtheworld challenge, here are the books I read for the similar challenge at #StoryGraph this year, and
some #poetry anthologies I've read over the last few years as part of my attempts at #readingtheworld @bookstodon #readtheworld #books - the massive Australian volume has the distinction of being the only non-ebook I've read in at least the last 5 years.
#books #readtheworld #readingtheworld #poetry #StoryGraph #readaroundtheworld
We have been organising the "Read Around The World Challenge" for a few years. Here are the most popular books from Europe as observed over time. As you can see, the order has changed a bit. Leave a comment if you have read any of these books. Would you put them in the same order?
#readaroundtheworld #readingtheworld #bookstadon #readtheworld #books #booknerd #bibliophile #mastodonbooks #books
#readaroundtheworld #readingtheworld #bookstadon #readtheworld #books #booknerd #bibliophile #mastodonbooks
So it took me way too long to pick only #SixBooks but I really enjoyed these titles:
1. Of Human Bondage by W. Somerset Maugham
2. Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
3. Charlie Wilson’s War by George Crile
4. The Ghost Map: The Story of London’s Most Terrifying Epidemic and How it Changed Science, Cities, and the Modern World by Steven Johnson
5. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
6. The Swamp: the Everglades, Florida, and the Power of Politics by Michael Grunwald
#Books #bookstodon #readingtheworld
#readingtheworld #bookstodon #Books #sixbooks
So it took me way too long to pick only #SixBooks but I really enjoyed these titles:
1. Of Human Bondage by W. Somerset Maugham
2. Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
3. Charlie Wilson’s War by George Crile
4. The Ghost Map: The Story of London’s Most Terrifying Epidemic and How it Changed Science, Cities, and the Modern World by Steven Johnson
5. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
6. The Swamp: the Everglades, Florida, and the Power of Politics by Michael Grunwald
#Books #bookstodon #readingtheworld
#readingtheworld #bookstodon #Books #sixbooks
Country number 176 (I think!) now down for my #readingtheworld project - Laos. I read Kmhmu' Folktales written down and translated into English and Lao by Siphone Sengvandy. Fascinating from a cultural perspective but can't say I'm likely to remember very much about them!
Ab und zu poste ich zum Projekt #ReadingTheWorld (ein Buch von einem:eine:r Autor:in aus jedem Land der Welt* lesen). Ich lese wenig und nicht nur projektbezogen, darum geht es es sehr langsam voran. Meist poste ich nur den ersten Satz des Buches.
* die Liste kommt von Wikipedia, wobei (a) die Frage in der Realität kniffliger ist, und (b) die Teilung in „Länder“ vielleicht nicht die beste ist. Der Ursprung meiner Unternehmung ist: 3/4
Parfois je posterai mes avancées sur le projet #ReadingTheWorld, c’est-à-dire de lire au moins un livre écrit par un.e de chaque pays*. Je lis peu, ça avance donc très lentement. En général je poste la première phrase du livre.
* j’ai pris une liste sur Wikipédia, sachant que (a) c'est en réalité plus épineux que ça et (b) la partition en „pays“ est pas forcément très pertinente ici. L’origine de mon projet c’est 3/4
Okay I've moved over from a different instance so I guess I'd better introduce myself again!
I'm Elie and I'm mostly here to chat books, translation and languages. I like a wide range of literature but special interests include literature in translation and #readingtheworld. I'm a native English speaker, a fluent French speaker and learning European Portuguese.
Outside of books, I'm married with a one year old and two cats. I drink a LOT of tea. Feel free to follow!