@mastodonmigration #readit[.]buzz performs well because they have Cloudflared their site, which to users means they have compromized ethics & integrity for a bit of performance. Cloudflare sees everything you do on readit.buzz including your username & password.
You can expect the same of kbin.social. They are slightly more sophisticated, but still Cloudflare-compromized. When their load hits a threshold, all traffic is instantly shared with Cloudflare.
RT @paulnorthyorks
#UN #Radical #Reform
#SecurityCouncil #DitchVeto
#Wars #RussiaInvadedUkraine
#Conflicts #Disputes #Genocide
#HumanRights #Religion
#ClimateChange #Biodiversity
#un #radical #reform #corruption #securitycouncil #ditchveto #wars #russiainvadedukraine #conflicts #disputes #genocide #humanrights #religion #nuclearweapons #climatechange #biodiversity #extinctionofthespecies #readit #signit #retweetit
Congratulations to my good friend and podcasting partner, Ronald McGillvray, on the release of his new book, "Cutter's Deep," which is now available on most Amazon marketplaces and should be available worldwide very soon.
I had the opportunity to read this excellent speculative-fiction novel (twice) prior to its publication and would highly recommend it, particularly to fans of horror and the paranormal.
Give it a try. You won't be disappointed.
Kindle (eBook):
#horror #paranormal #speculative #fiction #novel #new #newrelease #outtoday #readit #readitnow #whattoread #book #newbook #bookrelease #Bookstodon #booktodon #booksofmastodon
#horror #paranormal #speculative #fiction #novel #new #newrelease #outtoday #readit #readitnow #whattoread #book #newbook #bookrelease #bookstodon #booktodon #booksofmastodon
Just re-read "Heading East" by Robert Hogg. A great poem in a set of excellent poems in: 021 Robert Hogg – The Cold Light of Morning. Find it on @ryanfitzpublic 's Model Press: http://ryanfitzpatrick.ca/modelpress
Such a lovely poem. I'm reading it on he snowy, semi-stuck Calgary day and dreaming of road trips through time and country.
#poetrycommunity #poem #poetry #loveit #readit
Stop what you're doing now, and read "Inside the Crips" by Colton Simpson. It will enrage, haunt, sadden, and amaze you. My question is: in an unjust society such as it is, who are the real gangs?
Link to my review on Goodreads is here, but warning, contains massive spoilers:
#blackhistorymonth #readit
Great! The #readit subreddit r/unitedkingdom has at least one mod who is a #brexit facts denialist. Deletes comments that have solid facts as to why the border is alot weaker towards EU criminals but leaves all the "its the foriner!" posts up. Its pretty much an echo chamber on the thread I commented on so I've left the subreddit. I don't subscribe to rage bait.
#REMINDER: The #Kindle edition of "Big Man Down" is available for #free via #Amazon during my final #book #giveaway of the year.
Looking for a #new #paranormal #speculative #fiction #thriller to #read? Look no further!
Official Trailer:
#reminder #kindle #Free #amazon #book #giveaway #new #paranormal #speculative #fiction #thriller #read #booksofmastodon #Reading #readit
#REMINDER: The #Kindle edition of "Big Man Down" is available for #free via #Amazon during my final #book #giveaway of the year.
Looking for a #new #paranormal #speculative #fiction #thriller to #read? Look no further!
Official Trailer:
#reminder #kindle #Free #amazon #book #giveaway #new #paranormal #speculative #fiction #thriller #read #booksofmastodon #Reading #readit
“If you are someone who has been frightened or even terrorized by science or math, I want to be very clear about one thing:this book was for you . . .” Glad I read it, wish I had a professor like @IBJIYONGI@twitter.com when I was in college #BookTwitter #readit
Somebody joined #Mastodon and didn't find the experience very pleasing.
That's what the article is about.
As examples of more famous people joining the platform it's mentioning #RealGretaThunberg and #StephenFry. I wasn't aware of Stephen Fry being here and I find that amazing...
I'm gonna look it up as soon as I've read the rest of the article...
...ok there, #Readit! (nope, this is not a #reddit pun or is it? Oh wait, it is!)
Basically they say nothing about #floss. #Mastodon is #Free, #Libre and #OpenSource.
Not all people know this but its true. If you wanted to change Mastodon you now can!
With #Twitter can you do that?
NOPE. The code for Twitter is what some people refer to as #ClosedSource. You as a customer of Twitter get a service but you don't get anything else.
On Mastodon we all collectively have access to the code so if ie. the developer of Mastodon one day just decides to retire we have all the power in the world to change the social platform we are all using to implement new updates with new #functionality!
What a #BraveNewWorld to live in!
#mastodon #realgretathunberg #stephenfry #readit #reddit #FLOSS #free #libre #opensource #twitter #closedSource #functionality #bravenewworld