What if your #readline shipped with Copilot?
I'm still not sure if this is something I need or not, but I got Microsoft's CodexCLI working (again), just so I could show it off.
This is how I want github #copilot CLI to integrate.
I *do* like the explanations the current Copilot CLI gives, but I want this in the readline because I want to be able to edit the command I get back.
#PowerShell #Bash #Zsh #PSReadline
P.S. My working fork is at https://github.com/Jaykul/ReadlineAI
#readline #copilot #powershell #bash #zsh #psreadline
@chrys My daily use command line productivity tools are:
1. #readline support. C-a, C-e, C-r and tab-completion will save you h o u r s (M-f, M-b are second-tier here)
2. less and tail
3. #grep
4. #ssh and scp *esp with keys*
5. #bash scripting *on the command line*. that is, writing this in a single line: "while true; do CMD; sleep 1s; done" (more general and less fragile than `watch`)
6. cut and tr (for simple "parse every line of output" situations)
#readline #grep #ssh #bash #sed #awk
@strbytes I wonder if noline could be (or already has been) used to make a #firefox #plugin that adds #readline to all input boxes, including the urlbar.
I've been burned by a couple plugins that claimed to do this in the past, but maybe this time...
#firefox #plugin #readline #eMacs
Wondering how to get readline working in a non-primary node cluster process while keeping colour output via Chalk in your CLI app?
(I’m pretty sure you’re not but, hey, I ran into this today and I’m documenting it in hopes it might help someone else sometime.)
Check out the implementation in Kitten’s development-time process manager (this little file is what Kitten uses in place of a heavyweight module like Nodemon):
#kitten #nodejs #cluster #readline #chalk #cli
I always forget about #rlwrap, this is a really nice utility to add #readline support to any #cli command.
Links :
[RLWRAP UTILITY FOR SQLPLUS AND RMAN – Mürsel BAKAY's Oracle Blog](https://murselbakay.com/rlwrap-utility-for-sqlplus-and-rman/)
[Unwrapping rlwrap | KX](https://kx.com/blog/unwrapping-rlwrap/)
That's awesome!
[#Readline - #ArchWiki](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Readline#Colorized_completion)
@redfrog In much more concise page
#GNU #readline #emacs #keybinding #keyboard
@redfrog alors Ctrl+u don't do that.
It delete all characters from cursor to the begining of the line.
The reverse is Ctrl+k which delete all characters from cursor to the end of line
See https://manpages.debian.org/bullseye/readline-common/readline.3readline.en.html#Killing_and_Yanking
#GNU #readline #emacs #keybinding #keyboard
Disabling autohistory in Term::ReadLine https://github.polettix.it/ETOOBUSY/2020/09/24/term-readline-autohistory/ #perl #readline
@veer66 ah here's an example (in C) of combining libreadline but with ncurses as the input/output, which requires overriding some global function pointers.
#readline #ncurses