So, after days of banging my head against Logic Pro, and going nowhere... I've taken the rather radical step of watching some tutorials...🤔 😆
It's kind of freeing....
#Noob #NoIdeaWhatImDoing
#LogicPro #IfYouDontKnowLearn #ReadTheDirections #Luddite
#noob #noideawhatimdoing #logicpro #ifyoudontknowlearn #readthedirections #luddite
Bought these for my granddaughter and her BFF sleepover last night (4 & 5 yo). Thought they’d be a fun little activity to do while waiting for cookies to bake.
Note to self: check instructions. These take 24-48 hours to start hatching, then another 3-4 days to fully transform into unicorn.
So had to send her BFF egg home in a Tupperware.
Oops. #readthedirections #instantgratification
#instantgratification #readthedirections