ஷவர்மா விவகாரம்: கேரளாவில் கடந்த 5நாட்களில் 110 ஓட்டல்களுக்கு சீல்! அமைச்சர் வீனா ஜார்ஜ் அதிரடி https://patrikai.com/shawarma-death-affair-110-hotels-sealed-in-kerala-in-last-5-days-minister-veena-george-action/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#Kerala #Kasargod #Shigella #readymade #ReadyToEat #Shawarma #FoodPoison #FoodAdulteration #food @fssaiindia@twitter.com @VeenaGeorge03@twitter.com
#food #FoodAdulteration #FoodPoison #shawarma #ReadyToEat #readyMade #Shigella #kasargod #kerala
ஷவர்மா சாப்பிட்ட 3பேர் மயக்கம் – பிரியாணி சாப்பிட்ட 13 பேர் மருத்துவமனையில் அனுமதி! தஞ்சை – புதுக்கோட்டையில் சம்பவம்… https://patrikai.com/3-students-fainted-who-ate-shawarma-13-people-who-ate-biryani-admitted-in-to-hospital-tanjore-pudukottai-incident/
#Food #FoodAdulteration #FoodSafety #ConvenienceFood #InstantFood #Readymade #Shawarma @fssaiindia@twitter.com @MOFPI_GOI@twitter.com @jagograhakjago@twitter.com
#shawarma #readyMade #InstantFood #ConvenienceFood #foodsafety #FoodAdulteration #food
Monsanto/#Bayer to set aside a sum of 2 billion for future victims of the #carcinogenic RoundUp.
For years we knew there was something dangerously wrong with their #RoundUp-laden #soy. We saw it was in everything from #bread, to #chocolate, to #readyMade meals. The #MonsantoPapers revealed that not only did Monsanto know #glyphosate caused #cancer, but they actively setup #darkMoney funds to #coverUp, and deceive that fact with #disinfo.
Where is the prison time?
#carcinogenic #roundup #soy #bread #chocolate #readyMade #monsantopapers #glyphosate #cancer #darkmoney #CoverUp #disinfo #biostitutes #FeedingTheWorld