Happy anniversary to Republica’s eponymous debut album. Released this week in 1996. ##republica #bloke #readytogo #dropdeadgorgeous
#republica #bloke #readytogo #dropdeadgorgeous
#Meanwhile... #MyLittleBigBuddy is #Beginning to #Surface | #SurpriseSurprise; there's another #FreshOfPotOfCoffee #ReadyToGo...
And #AnotherAdventure #Begins...
🧙🎄🤖🐺🤖🎄🧙 | 🚁🚀🪖🦄🪖🚀🚁
Ethnic House (Middle East Deep House) [Vol.1]
#meanwhile #mylittlebigbuddy #beginning #surface #surprisesurprise #freshofpotofcoffee #readytogo #anotheradventure #begins
From his hometown of Scranton Joe is ready to go
He's the man of the hour, no soothsayer did know
With no more stall or delay, Biden will be on his way
A future that's certain, a vision clear for today
He'll fight for what matters, for freedom and for justice
For equity, fairness, and the truth that's not a fable
Scranton Joe is ready to go, with no more time to dally
#biden #scrantonjoe #readytogo #2020election #poetry
#biden #scrantonjoe #readytogo #2020election #poetry
Google photos auto style worked well on this #Dorset #Dog picture.
@EUinDE @vonderleyen … und so sieht es bei uns hinter den Kulissen aus… ✏️☕️🥐 #SOTEU #readytogo