Abruzzo has taken a series of muscular, bold moves to protect American workers, turning the tide in the #ClassWar that the #OnePercent has waged on workers since the #Reagan administration. For example, #Abruzzo is working to turn #WorkerMisclassification - the fiction that an employee is a small business contracting with their boss, a staple of the #GigEconomy - into an #UnfairLaborPractice:
#classwar #onepercent #reagan #abruzzo #workermisclassification #gigeconomy #unfairlaborpractice
The past forty years have seen the rise and rise of a right wing politics that started out extreme (think of #Reagan and #Thatcher's support for #Pinochet's death-squads) and only got worse. Liberals and leftists forged an uneasy alliance, with liberals in the lead (literally, in Canada, where today, #JustinTrudeau's #LiberalParty governs in partnership with the nominally left #NDP).
#reagan #thatcher #pinochet #justintrudeau #liberalparty #ndp
@Juicyfranck @sudnadja
ignorance is not bliss & they should be more afraid, mainly of the long term consequences
#viralPersistence #PASC
#EndothelialDamage #acceleratedAging
Perhaps it’s b/c I was a kid w/mad active imagination during #Reagan but there was nothing scarier to me than #HIV #AIDS
#SARS2 has replaced that fear b/c there are therapeutics for one & not the other
Given the choice, I’d take #HIV vs repeated♾️reinfection #Covid
#viralpersistence #PASC #EndothelialDamage #acceleratedaging #reagan #hiv #aids #SARS2 #covid
A MODEST PROPOSAL: It's time for a monument to Reagan -- plus Ed Meese, James Watt, Gingrich, boy Bush, Cheney, Trump, McConnell, Flynn, Giuliani, Lewandowski, deVos & her brother, both Huckabees, Powell, both Thomases, MTG, Boobert, Gaetz, the whole crew -- to which every American can contribute, a mountain of refuse and filth, and those delightful people under it.
#trump #reagan #voteblue
Say what you want about #Reagan but he couldn’t get elected by today’s GOP.
#OTD Sept 1, 1981
Alternative Tentacles Records releases the compilation album “Let Them Eat Jellybeans”
The Reagan years were a target rich environment for political bands. I mean, the guy was clearly a fascist, along with Thatcher.
Sometimes the only solace I could find amidst the cruelty and greed of 80s American culture was listening to defiant political tunes from bands like DKs, Crass, and MDC.
And compilations were how many of us discovered new bands. One album and you could sample the best of many different bands, and then go from there, buying more of the bands you liked. This is what this comp did for me, along with several others.
Includes the original (and best) version of Bad Brains’ “Pay To Cum”, and a version of “Nazi Punks Fuck Off!” that’s different from the version on their album “In God We Trust, Inc.”
#otd #punk #compilation #reagan #80s #music
Republicans move to force a one party system.
#Fascism #Republicans #Reagan #Racism
#fascism #republicans #reagan #racism
Reprenant la logique de #Reagan, qui n’a pas assisté au débat de la primaire républicaine en 1980, #Trump a séché la rencontre avec des nains électoraux qui auraient eu d'autant plus intérêt à se coaliser contre lui. Pour le meilleur ou pour le pire?
"I’ve never heard anyone in the aviation world say that the 'Reagan administration' had 'replaced' the striking controllers. He fired them, and it’s worth stating that fact clearly."
Bie it noted that the New York Times will stand on its head, chew gum, and dance all at once if Republican managers tell it to accomplish that feat.
And it will show no shame at all for its disgraceful performance.
#reagan #newyorktimes #republicans #mediafail #airlines
James Fallows focuses on a recent New York Times article reporting that airline close calls are more frequent than we realize.
A big problem is overworked air-traffic controllers, a problem stemming from Reagan's firing of thousands of those folks, an event the Times chooses — curiously — to call Reagan's "replacing" of them.
Fallows writes,
#reagan #newyorktimes #republicans #mediafail #airlines
#BillClinton was the most successful of these corporate raiders, delivering the parts of the #ReaganRevolution that #Reagan himself could never have managed: dismantling tariffs and bank regulations, passing the crime bill and welfare "reform." He came within a whisper of (partially) privatizing #SocialSecurity.
#billclinton #reaganrevolution #reagan #socialsecurity
Thank you Internet for all the members you bless us with. Please be with my aunt Betty in these difficult times dealing with her arthritis, and please keep us poors in our place. In Reagan's name, Amen
The #Reagan admin doesn't get nearly the blame it deserves for our national plight. His/Nancy's Drug War is directly responsible for no-knock search warrants and militarization of the police, for removal of the jury nullification instruction from the standard instructions to juries (in furtherance of the Drug War), the alienation of South and Central America, US alliance with the Vatican and stacking the SCOTUS with Roman Catholics, empowering the Xian Right, dismantling Carter's energy plan...
@PadreWil @MediaLawProf
Ronald #Reagan and the Xian Right happened to your country.
"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them." - Barry Goldwater
Xians got control.
I wanted to move to #Germany in the early 1980s to escape #Reagan and the Republicans, but with a masters in radio engineering and 12 years experience in computers in USAF, at Rockwell International and others (I was a daemon programmer - har har) they told me I had to have a job with a German company first (a Green Card in the US). I couldn't find a German company that was interested. At least you're not an American, so you might have a better chance. Germans despise Americans.
It's Summer Reruns time at the blog. (There's a writers' strike. What can ya do?)
#Reagan #lgbtq #marriage #California
#reagan #lgbtq #marriage #california
An excellent essay by Robert Reich about how Ayn Rand's attack on the idea of the common good has become, from Reagan to Trump, the foundation of "conservative" politics in the US, and how this philosophy undermines the very basis of American democracy with its notion of the common good.
#AynRand #Trump #Reagan #Republicans #CommonGood
#aynrand #trump #reagan #republicans #commongood
@voron Literally #Reagan took us right back to the volatile, big biz favored, pre FDR / Great Depression days in his 8yrs of corporate regulation removal & greed is good outlook. Humanity just keeps making the same mistakes over-over...we now want this b/c we had that...this way/that way reaction...nothing every authentically substantive...just about getting elected in that 5min moment. Thx for this video.