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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
A fresh look at 1,2,3-cyclohexatriene shows it could be used as a versatile #reagent in #organicsynthesis @nature
A #Reagent interface to the #MathBox mathematical visualization library. #clojurescript
#reagent #mathbox #clojurescript
I've always used #reagent with #reframe, but lately been thinking.. is that necessary? Reagent does have quite a nice set of tools for state management, cursor, track, rswap etc (
Does anyone have any experience in building a non-trivial app with reagent but without reframe?
#reagent #reframe #clojurescript
I've always used #reagent with #reframe, but lately been thinking.. is that necessary? Reagent does have quite a nice set of tools for state management, cursor, track, rswap etc (
Does anyone have any experience in building a non-trivial app with reagent but without reframe?
#reagent #reframe #clojurescript
#reagent is super duper cool. So awesome that when the code hot reloads, the app state isn't refreshed!
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Originally posted by /
New non-radioactive, neutral #reagent reveals #viruses in clear detail @Hiroshima_Univ @SciReports
Reading through the #reagent changelog for the upcoming 1.1 release, I think I should update my app to at least make use of some of the 1.0 features. #clojurescript
Clojurists together February 2020 Update contains a description of work to change #reagent to support React's functional components and hooks (and updates of other projects, of course)
I've been trying to figure out what is the recommended way of testing a #reagent app in #clojurescript. Looks like cljs-react-test is not really alive anymore. Also, FB recommends to use React Testing Library instead of the TestUtils add-on cljs-react-test is based on.
So, when I searched for RTL and CLJS, I stumbled upon the linked gist, that shows how to use it for testing your views.
So, that's what I'll use for now, unless any of you has a better recommendation?
Oh, looks like #reagent is on it's way to a 1.0 release. At least the docs are now talking about a 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT. #clojurescript
As I get more familiar with React and Reagent, I start to like them even more. Especially Reagent. It's such a great library, that even I can make usable UIs with it!
And I hate doing UIs, because it's not my forte, and I'm terrible at it. But with #Reagent and #ClojureScript, the results are not bad!
The hardest part of translating an existing #JavaScript application to #ClojureScript is learning to use #Reagent correctly.
UI development is hard.
#javascript #clojurescript #reagent