Biden mocks ‘great real-estate’ developer Trump who ‘didn’t build a damn thing’ at Labor Day rally in Pa.
#NYPost #BidenMockingTrump #RealEstateDeveloper #TrumpDidntBuild #LaborDayRally #Pennsylvania #Politics #News
#nypost #bidenmockingtrump #realEstateDeveloper #trumpdidntbuild #labordayrally #pennsylvania #politics #news
We still remember the time when everyone thought the ponzi was going to end when Hillary lost.
Sadly, the #realEstateDeveloper kept it going and appeared to cheerlead the #FIREsector (admittedly while signalling to other sectors).
This was bound to happen.
We will see if the #bitcoin rise will be brought forward by the exodus.
#realEstateDeveloper #FireSector #bitcoin