Glad you are boosting the craft and drinking of #realcider ,
@robfrominternet @perigee !
@Mr_ian_B @onlyindevon @abowmanclarke hear exactly what you are saying but here it’s different as there’s no algorithm to fuck you up. So if you use #realcider for eg you are going to find people who like real cider, not Instagram adverts for Strongbow
It's so nice to be somewhere without all of the hate 😄
A bit about me:
#CAMRA member and #realale and #realcider drinker
#cricket fan supporting #kent and #england
watches professional #cycling
Lives in #westmalling #kent #uk
#businessowner #accountant #camra #realale #realcider #parishcouncillor #cricket #kent #england #cycling #westmalling #uk
This week's review is about Henry of Harcourt and their Duck and Bull cider. #cider #realcider