@AnnaAnthro One thing we should watch out for are sex robots.
While the guys at Abyss Creations in California (or did they move somewhere else?) have been working on turning their famous RealDoll sex dolls into sex robots (so far they only have robotic heads on standard doll bodies), several Chinese sex doll manufacturers are also getting into the sex robots business. I wonder how EX-Doll (formerly DS-Doll) are doing, the engineering, craftsmanship, and artwork on their high-end silicone dolls looks amazing, and Abyss will fall behind if they're not very careful. DS-Dolls used to be those cheap shop window mannequin type dolls, but their high-end models aren't any cheaper than RealDolls anymore, and they're just as good, according to the people in sex doll forums. I don't know how the development on making robotic humanoid bodies safe and enjoyable for sex is going, but I suspect the people at EX-Doll might be closer to an actual product than those at Abyss.

#realdoll #realdolls #sexdoll #sexrobot #sexrobots

Last updated 1 year ago