Article name-drops:
#MelissaAufDerMaur / #Hole #SmashingPumpkins
#NatalieMerchant / #10000Maniacs
#TonyLevin / #KingCrimson / #PeterGabriel
#EricGoulden / #WrecklessEric
#DarylHall / #HallAndOates
#KatePierson / #B52s
#JesseParisSmith / #PattiSmith
#AmandaPalmer / #DresdenDolls
#DebParker / #BeautyBar #RealEstateBroker
#RichardButler / #PsychedelicFurs
#BruceJayMilner / #EveryMothersSon
#AmyHelm / #LevonHelm #TheBand
#amandapalmer #genx #relationships #TheBand #levonhelm #amyhelm #everymothersson #brucejaymilner #PsychedelicFurs #richardbutler #tracybonham #realestatebroker #beautybar #debparker #rebeccafoon #dresdendolls #pattismith #jesseparissmith #b52s #katepierson #hallandoates #darylhall #wrecklesseric #ericgoulden #amyrigby #petergabriel #kingcrimson #tonylevin #10000Maniacs #NatalieMerchant #tonystone #smashingpumpkins #hole #melissaaufdermaur
Ok I see what people do to introduce themselves. Let ne try this. I am married straight male but with many connections into the #lgbtq community. We have two #dogs and love to go #camping and #hiking. We travel in our old but lovely Class A #motorhome. I like #opensource software but I am not a tech nerd. We live in #orangecity #florida which is located between #orlando and #daytonabeach. I am a #Realtor and #realestatebroker. Originally we are from Germany and speak #german at home.
#lgbtq #dogs #camping #hiking #motorhome #opensource #orangecity #florida #orlando #daytonabeach #realtor #realestatebroker #german