Es beschleucht mich der Verdacht, die #FDP hat mit der neuen Förderung für die Kombi Solar - EAuto - Speicher/Entladung den Zweitwagen im Blick, der tagsüber als Speicher zur Verfügung steht, weil damit die Kinder chauffiert werden. Und sie denken dabei wohl an Vostädte und nicht an das platte Land.
Neues aus der Bundespressekonferenz: RegPK - 4. September 2023 - Wolfsmanagement
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People of Burning Man .... welcome to communism
#burningman #communism #fightclub #realitycheck
Is It Real or Imagined? Here’s How Your Brain Tells the Difference - New experiments show that the brain distinguishes between perceived and imagined mental i... - #science/psychologyandneuroscience #realitycheck #science
Wired: Is It Real or Imagined? Here’s How Your Brain Tells the Difference #Science/PsychologyandNeuroscience #BrainsandBehavior #QuantaMagazine #Neuroscience #RealityCheck #psychology #perception #Cognition #Science #brains
#science #brainsandbehavior #quantamagazine #neuroscience #realitycheck #psychology #perception #cognition #brains
If I had one Euro for the Western everybody who envies and admires the #Netherlands based on the time capsule they buried in their backyard 20–40 years ago, I could retire with my billionaire aspirations met.
#RetirementPlan #RealityCheck #NeoLiberalism #racism #fascism #theInYourFaceNotTheSubtleKindThatRequiresAcademcisToMansplain
#netherlands #retirementplan #realitycheck #neoliberalism #racism #fascism #theinyourfacenotthesubtlekindthatrequiresacademcistomansplain
I didn’t just vote for Biden because of January 6th; I have no regrets for my vote. But Trump must never have power again, and his supporters and party cannot be trusted with our lives. #Truth #RealityCheck #NoMoreLies 🇺🇸
#truth #realitycheck #nomorelies
Christians have not only the right to refuse fellowship with MAGA, they have a responsibility both scriptural, and based on their expectations of Muslims.
There is zero excuse.
These people wouldn’t have done this if whole Bible study groups hadn’t got on a bus to go storm the Capitol.
Christians casually spoke of civil war!
They have not repented.
They will do it again if they do not have a come to Jesus.
And they don’t deserve our trust ever again.
#realitycheck #murder #january6th
Trump is an abuser and an antichrist, and Christians who can support him could have supported Hitler too. 💔#RealityCheck #NazisOUT #NoMoreLies 🕊️
#realitycheck #nazisout #nomorelies
@tichotlapka #realitycheck nacural na peřinu a dneska strhnul papírovou lámou z IKEA 😂🙈
#Realitycheck für den Lebensbereich #Werte & #Kultur: Wie zufrieden bist Du mit dem Lebensbereich WERTE & KULTUR?
(Boost für mehr Reichweite = mehr Beteiligung = höhere Aussagekraft)
#Realitycheck für den Lebensbereich #Familie & #Freundschaften: Wie zufrieden bist Du mit dem Lebensbereich FAMILIE & FREUNDSCHAFTEN?
(Boost für mehr Reichweite = mehr Beteiligung = höhere Aussagekraft)
#Freundschaften #familie #realitycheck
#Realitycheck für den Lebensbereich #Beruf & #Finanzen: Wie zufrieden bist Du mit dem Lebensbereich BERUF & FINANZEN?
(Boost für mehr Reichweite = mehr Beteiligung = höhere Aussagekraft)
#finanzen #beruf #realitycheck
#Realitycheck für den Lebensbereich #Gesundheit & #Fitness: Wie zufrieden bist Du mit dem Lebensbereich GESUNDHEIT & FITNESS?
(Boost für mehr Reichweite = mehr Beteiligung = höhere Aussagekraft)
#fitness #gesundheit #realitycheck
#Snapchat is just another tool to spread the truth about the great work of Mohammed bin Salman! #HeIsTheFuture #MbS #SaudiArabia #Propaganda #RealityCheck #FreeSpeechMatters
#snapchat #heisthefuture #mbs #saudiarabia #propaganda #realitycheck #freespeechmatters
We have a form of Christianity in America that is completely opposed to honesty and one hundred percent antichrist. They abuse and persecute their neighbors and have no shame. Had MAGA succeeded in overthrowing our government on Jan 6th, these Christians would not have stopped with murdering migrants and refugees by cruelty or neglect; they would have committed genocide against Americans, including fellow Christians. Just read their posts about Jan 6th. They are not sorry now. #RealityCheck #USA
Billionaires aren't okay — for their mental health, time to drastically raise their taxes: From threatening cage matches to backing RFK Jr., billionaires prove too much money detaches a person from reality
#BillionairesMentalHealth #RaiseTheirTaxes #MoneyDetachment #ThreateningCageMatches #BackingRFKJr #RealityCheck #Politics #News
#billionairesmentalhealth #raisetheirtaxes #moneydetachment #threateningcagematches #backingrfkjr #realitycheck #politics #news
Again: Civilian deaths are always a tragedy.
Russians don’t care how many parents they murder, or families they destroy, and Ukrainians and Syrians never deserved to be used as Russian target practice. The Russians are the terrorists.
The rest are fighting to survive.
And those “Americans” who want an oligarch king are free to move to Russia.
Warm words
Cautioned by members
Nato uncertain
#ukraine #nato #diplomacy #realitycheck #cinquain #poetry