Time for a change?
Independence gives every party a chance to step away from Westminster-led politics and become fully independent, on their own terms. Maybe in an independent Scotland, some of the parties who voted against #reallivingwage could start thinking about what the public actually want, rather than taking the 'oppose SNP at all costs' line. #YouYesYet
Any councillor who votes against paying #RealLivingWage - especially in a #CostOfLivingCrisis - should be taking a good look at what's driving their decision - and why they went into politics in the first place.
It shouldn't be this way. Our political figures should be there to serve the people first, not their own careers - or even their own party. Is the party whip being wielded too often, these days?
#Costoflivingcrisis #reallivingwage
Yet more data on the #genderpaygap:
14% of all working women are in jobs that pay below the #RealLivingWage;
9% of men are;
60% of all jobs that pay below RLW are held by women.
Whatever the micro-explanations about #childcare, career breaks and so on, the overall picture is a society that continues to have a major gender problem in the #LabourMarket!
#genderpaygap #reallivingwage #childcare #labourmarket
RT @Leeds_Labour
We will continue to pay the #RealLivingWage to all council workers including paying the uplift of £10.90 to care workers who are crucial backbone of our communities. We are working with key employers in the city to encourage them to do the same #LeedsBudget23
#reallivingwage #leedsbudget23
We think @KingsCanterbury should review the grading of this role so that it meets the minimum needed to be a #RealLivingWage.
2. I’ll promote equity & social justice in recruitment:
I won’t ask for past salaries, perpetuate credentialism or use ableist criteria
I’ll review person spec’s through an inclusive, intersectional lens
I’ll do accessibility checks
I’ll lobby that to pay a #RealLivingWage
@HampshireKarin quite so! If that were in place there’d never be any need for strikes.
C’mon you Tories, listen up: fix the problems, not the symptoms!
#fixtheproblems #reallivingwage #toryfail