The Tyee: Who Needs Meta or Google for News? Use ‘Really Simple Syndication’ #bcnews #TheTyee - via #ReallySimpleSyndicationnewsfeed #FacebookCEOMarkZuckerberg #ReallySimpleSyndication #CanadaOnlineNewsAct #CanadianJournalism #MetablocksTheTyee #TheTyeehomepage #CanadaBillC-18 #FirefoxFeedbro #GoogleBillC-18 #GoogleReader #MetaBillC-18 #TheOldReader #AppleNews
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Does the Mastodon RSS endpoint documentation live somewhere? I'm trying to figure out if it is possible to add queries to RSS feed links.
La documentation sur les endpoints RSS de Mastodon se trouve-t-elle quelque part? Je cherche à comprendre s'il est possible d'ajouter des requêtes aux liens RSS.
#feditips #mastodon #reallysimplesyndication #rss