@mcg Thanks for listening! Yes, @baldur made a great point about tech being pop culture, especially as it has become more entwined with entertainment and the focus of fandom itself.
I haven't read it for a while, so not sure how well it dates, but years ago I wrote my Honours thesis, ‘It Just Works’, on Apple brand fandom and used qualitative methods to understand fans’ experiences. You could say it was the early version of what I'm doing with #ReallySpecificStories: https://books.apple.com/au/book/it-just-works/id1450907652
On the latest episode of #ReallySpecificStories, I speak with @baldur! 🎙️
Baldur reflects on his family’s history in radio broadcasting, his path to interactive media and writing books and how he moved away from listening to tech podcasts.
Listen today: https://www.rsspod.net/baldur-bjarnason
#reallyspecificstories #podcaststudies #rss
In the latest episode of #ReallySpecificStories, I'm pleased to be joined by @marcoarment!
Marco shares how he became a #Mac enthusiast, indie app developer and tech podcaster, and explains the importance of maintaining the open Web and podcasting through #RSS, in the face of more exclusive publishing platforms and audio hosts.
Listen today: https://www.rsspod.net/marco-arment
#reallyspecificstories #mac #rss #podcaststudies
In the latest episode of #ReallySpecificStories, I'm joined by Shelly Brisbin! 🎙️ @Shelly kindly shares her journalistic and storytelling experience, explains her various audio projects—including Parallel with @relay—and illustrates how far we’ve come (and still have to go) in making hardware, software and media accessible.
Listen to the podcast: https://www.rsspod.net/shelly-brisbin
#reallyspecificstories #podcaststudies #rss #accessibility
If you follow @jsnell, then you'll know that he’s committed to a busy podcasting schedule across various shows. 🎙️ Despite this, Jason kindly joined me in conversation on #ReallySpecificStories, in which he recounted his personal history as a tech enthusiast and how he built a new life on the Web as an independent writer and podcaster.
Listen to the episode: https://www.rsspod.net/jason-snell
#reallyspecificstories #rss #podcaststudies
In the latest episode of #ReallySpecificStories, I'm joined by Gaby Santiago (aka @gabz)!
Gaby dives into his fandom for technology podcasts and all things comic-book-related, and then elaborates on his own experimentation with microcasting.
Listen here: https://www.rsspod.net/gaby-santiago
#PodcastStudies #technology #RSS
Case study: @atpfm
#reallyspecificstories #podcaststudies #technology #rss
@martinfeld I know @siracusa because of his obsession with file systems (ZFS) bing! 👍🏼 #ReallySpecificStories
Today I'm pleased to share a new episode of #ReallySpecificStories with Michael Camilleri, aka @pyrmont!
Michael shares his story as a long-time tech podcast listener and explains his motivation to design and build personal tools that leverage the power of open #RSS.
Listen here: https://www.rsspod.net/michael-camilleri
Case study: @atpfm (listener)
#reallyspecificstories #rss #podcaststudies #technology
If you're a fan of the podcast #CoreIntuition, check out my interviews on #ReallySpecificStories with @manton and @danielpunkass (hosts) and @lmika and @macgreg (listeners). They share their experiences with open podcasting and what they love about technology.
These episodes predate my new account on Mastodon, so here are the links:
• Manton — https://www.rsspod.net/manton-reece
• Daniel — https://www.rsspod.net/daniel-jalkut
• Leon — https://www.rsspod.net/leon-mika
• Greg — https://www.rsspod.net/greg-scown
#coreintuition #reallyspecificstories #rss #podcaststudies
In the latest blog post on #ReallySpecificStories, I briefly discuss the importance of #ethics in research and the process that guides the production of each episode.
#reallyspecificstories #ethics #podcaststudies
#ReallySpecificStories blog post — 'No Numbers'
#reallyspecificstories #podcaststudies
In the first episode of #ReallySpecificStories for 2023, I'm pleased to welcome @siracusa! 😀
John covers his extensive history as a Mac enthusiast, web developer, writer, podcaster and lover of music and art, and explains how he has juggled various personas, roles and fandoms over the years.
Listen to the #podcast: https://www.rsspod.net/john-siracusa
#reallyspecificstories #podcast #podcaststudies
@canion @HeyDingus I appreciate being likened to or reminiscent of Micro Monday! Thanks for highlighting #ReallySpecificStories. ❤️
In this episode of #ReallySpecificStories, I'm joined by Stephen Hackett (@ismh). He delves into the history of #RelayFM, discussing the origins of the show Connected and the broader podcast network. He also explains his personal shift from blogging to #podcasting and running a business—balancing the needs of advertisers, co-hosts, members and of course, family.
Listen today: https://www.rsspod.net/stephen-hackett
#reallyspecificstories #RelayFM #podcasting #podcaststudies
In the latest episode of #ReallySpecificStories, I'm joined by @caseyliss, who kindly shares the story of his #technology fandom and his experiences as an independent developer and podcaster. 😀
Listen today: https://www.rsspod.net/casey-liss
#reallyspecificstories #technology #podcaststudies
Back in October, I wrote a blog post for anyone who has listened to my #ReallySpecificStories podcast and is interested in the tools behind its production. Have a read! 😀 https://www.rsspod.net/articles/podcast-workflow
I haven’t mentioned this on Mastodon before, so here I go! If you’re into #podcasts and are interested in the stories behind producing and listening fans and the technology that they use, consider listening to my research podcast, #ReallySpecificStories. 🎙️ The first episode introduces the project and is followed by an ongoing series of one-on-one narrative interviews. Find the show at https://www.rsspod.net/ 😀
#podcasts #reallyspecificstories