Steph Curry Reflects on a Complicated Warriors Season | Real Ones | The Ringer #DraymondGreen #GoldenStateWarriors #KlayThompson #LoganMurdock #PacificDivision #RajaBell #RealOnes #StephCurry #TheRinger #Warriors #WesternConference
#draymondgreen #goldenstatewarriors #klaythompson #loganmurdock #pacificdivision #rajabell #realones #stephcurry #theringer #warriors #westernconference
Shout out to Mitch at #Starbucks for not even bothering to verify if today was my birthday before selling me that dope ass #BirthdayCake pop.
You're one of the #RealOnes, Mitch.
#starbucks #birthdaycake #realones
There are friends.
There is family.
And then there are people that introduced you to that one really great brand of tortilla chip that you still buy to this day.