Michael Porter · @MichaelPorter
483 followers · 9663 posts · Server ottawa.place

Don’t ask me how or why – my brain burps out these things, unbidden – but I came up with another example of the importance of the Oxford comma:

“Burt was always happy to travel back to Newfoundland, where he would visit his parents, Dildo and Come By Chance”

#oxfordcomma #newfoundlandandlabrador #realplaces

Last updated 1 year ago

Cassidy Percoco · @mimicofmodes
110 followers · 213 posts · Server historians.social

Excited about the start of the conference today! If there's one good thing that's come out of the last few years' awfulness, it's virtual/hybrid conferences that let me a) attend without having to pay for transportation and hotel rooms and b) watch the sessions after the fact because stuff always comes up on the day that prevents me from watching in real time.


Last updated 2 years ago