Nurses past & present have stood with us in every situation in war & in peace - Now LET US stand by our nurses & every person working in the nhs from Porter to Ambulance Driver, Receptionist, Nurse, doctor, healthcare assistants, chefs, cleaners, ward manager every employee under the cosh of the @conservatives - if they can afford to waste money on dodgy PPE, bunging back better to friends & family then they can afford a #realwage Stand by our NHS #standbyournurses #RCN
#realwage #standbyournurses #rcn
@darylcognito @happycampergirl great idea #socialjustice #adultsocialcare #SocialWork #socialism #socialworker #mentalhealth #socialpolicy #activism #taxtherich #realwage #workingpoor
#socialjustice #AdultSocialCare #socialwork #socialism #socialworker #mentalhealth #socialpolicy #activism #taxtherich #realwage #workingpoor