I had so much fun at #Reapercon this year. Feeling a bit of con-drop and a bit of #concrud. So much to write about, so little time... Gonna try to watch #ahsoka and do some blogging tonight, but we'll see how tired I am.
I haven't been posting about it, but still going strong, and it's caused several blood post ideas to begin formulating in my head...
I'm not going to get the time to write them till after #Reapercon though.
#Doomgate #dungeon23 #reapercon
Working on a new #diorama for #Reapercon. I call it "I have the high ground!"
#diorama #reapercon #miniatures #wip #hasslefree #reaperminis
I made a decision yesterday to not go to DragonCon and instead go to #ReaperCon. I’m excited but also I’ll be going alone. I’ve got from now until early Sept to find a squad to hangout with.
It takes me back to finding my people when I first started going to hacker cons all those many years ago.
#reapercon #paintingminiatures #miniaturepainting