Gisteren monteerde ik deze @nrc_nl Vandaag #podcast over de Chinese spionageballon die voor een diplomatieke crisis tussen China en de Verenigde Staten heeft gezorgd.
#podcast #reaperforpodcasting #podcastediting
Luister naar de nieuwe @nrc Vandaag die ik monteerde. Over het schreeuwend tekort aan medicijnen en apothekers die inmiddels zelf weer pillen zijn gaan draaien.
#podcast #podcastediting #reaperforpodcasting
Want super fast rendering in Reaper? Under Preferences set Block size tot 2048 samples.
Free item positioning in Reaper is the best thing for sound design. ❤️ Reaper
#podcastediting #reaperforpodcasting #podcasting #sounddesign
#podcastediting #reaperforpodcasting #podcasting #sounddesign
By far, the most used #reaper feature I'd use is the ripple edit tool.
This is worth the price of admission alone.
It has three modes: (1) move an item around freely, (2) move all items on a track forward and back and (3) move all items.
But the killer way to do it? Assign each mode the keyboard numbers 1, 2 & 3 as shortcuts in actions to make flicking between them effortless.
#reaper #reaperforpodcasting #reapertip
Hello! Been lurking for a bit so now time for my #introduction - let’s see how this goes.
I’m a journo and producer who loves all things audio and podcast analytics. I work mostly in news podcasts - everything from talky talky ones like #coronacast to featurey ones like the #ifyourelistening series.
Keen to hear from other producers and makers (especially in Australia). Also keen to share my #reaper DAW tips and shortcuts! Love to see yours too. #reaperforpodcasting
#introduction #Coronacast #ifyourelistening #reaper #reaperforpodcasting
Learned a new trick from Jeff Emtman. You can add text as item in Reaper. Do this: menu Insert > Empty item, then double click on it to put some text/script in the empty item.
#podcastediting #reapertip #reaperforpodcasting