Reasonable adjustments are not that hard, but organisations need to have contact points so SOMEONE is responsible when they are called for.
I know of one person whose invisible disability was casually adjusted for only on days when they used a walking stick for an unrelated knee injury. Strange how that goes...
#Disability #FitForWork #InvisibleDisability #ReasonableAdjustment
#disability #fitforwork #invisibledisability #reasonableadjustment
"Allowing" someone to take extended unpaid sick leave is NOT, and WILL NEVER BE an example of a reasonable adjustment as part of a return-to-work plan for a staff member who lives with a mental illness
Stipulating that a staff member can *only* return to work if cleared for full duties by their gp, and being unwilling to accept a partial or stepped return to full duties ALSO DOESN'T COUNT AND IS AT BEST SUPER NEGLEGENT!!
#MentalHealth #WorkplaceHealth #Support #ReasonableAdjustment
#reasonableadjustment #support #workplacehealth #mentalhealth