Mastodon moderators want broadcasters and politicians to set up accounts here as much as I do. So this places responsibility on those who are critical of many of these people. We do need to temper how we engage with them. Another reason why I would take the rhetorical punching gloves off is to satisfy colleagues on the same network. #SamCoates won't be pleased if I behave like a troll to one of his colleagues, so I have no intention of doing that. #ReasonableDebate
There are people on Mastodon who toot things I don't agree with but I'll follow them anyway, as well as Like and Boost other things I want shared. Do I keep my mouth shut about differences out of cowardice? You could call it that if you want. But sometimes common ground is too shallow to expect any meeting of minds. In the future reasonable debate may be easier for both of you. In such circumstances why toss a rock at a hornets' nest. Only trolls waste time doing that. #ReasonableDebate