#3GoodThings #ReasonsToBeCheerful
1. Tuesday was my Friday.
2. Enjoyed a low key 44th birthday yesterday with my son and DIL last night. Mexican baked potatoes and a hybrid cheesecake cake that was to die for.
3. Made pho for dinner and enjoyed it with my son and DIL tonight.
#3goodthings #reasonstobecheerful #food #whatsfordinner #pho #foodie
#3GoodThings #ReasonsToBeCheerful
1. The sky was clear tonight, so I may have gotten some nice shots of the stars.
2. My stepmom's cats are ridiculously sweet.
3. Jason Sudekis exists. *sigh*
#3goodthings #reasonstobecheerful
#3GoodThings #ReasonsToBeCheerful
1. I'll get to go swimming this weekend!
2. My bedroom is the perfect temperature right now.
3. Baldur's Gate 3 is amazing.
Perhaps minor reasons to be happy, but it's been a rough week, so I'm celebrating even tiny wins. 😄
#3goodthings #reasonstobecheerful
#3GoodThings #ReasonsToBeCheerful
1. I see stars in the sky.
2. I absolutely love sitting on the front porch with my dog. She's super chill and just sits there with me with no inclination to leave the porch unless I tell her it's okay, even if I leave the porch.
3. Knowing the 10 hour version of Marconi Union's 'Weightless' will get me to sleep again tonight despite my overactive mind.
#stars #NightSky #DogsOfMastodon #Weightless #MarconiUnion #sleep #SweetDreams #music
#3goodthings #reasonstobecheerful #stars #nightsky #dogsofmastodon #weightless #marconiunion #sleep #sweetdreams #music
#3GoodThings #ReasonsToBeCheerful
1. I did not respond to personal life (unnecessary) drama messages today.
2. Caught up with friends chit chatting and about gaming tonight, mostly Palia.
3. Talked about impromptu plans to travel next week to see my family. Have time off, but normally I schedule things. This time I decided this is what my heart and soul need. Self care.
#3goodthings #reasonstobecheerful #nodrama #palia #selfcare
I just listened to an episode of #ReasonsToBeCheerful with Caitlin Moran and she speaks so much sense.
It's not enough to tell boys they need to be better. We need to be teaching them that they are worth a damn.
If we keep punching them, we can't be surprised when they fall in behind the sort of people like Tate. The sort of people who make them feel like maybe they're not human trash.
So #3GoodThings today
1. M&S Mushroom Pappadelle for lunch - yum!
2. Getting first sight of some new projects at work
3. Trying out a new colour change nail polish. Yes I’m in my 50s but I still like fun things!
@3goodthings #ReasonsToBeCheerful
#3goodthings #reasonstobecheerful
#3GoodThings #ReasonsToBeCheerful
1. It's my Friday.
2. First road trip with my dog tomorrow.
3. Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow and not being bound to a schedule.
#3goodthings #reasonstobecheerful
#3GoodThings #ReasonsToBeCheerful
1. Gained ultimate clarity on a situation. I am enlightened and can easily move forward.
2. Dishwasher is fixed. Phew. Now appreciate it more.
3. Laundry is done for my trip and I have enough to not have to return.
#3goodthings #reasonstobecheerful
#3GoodThings #ReasonsToBeCheerful
1. Made good food tonight.
2. Power only went out for a blip.
3. I'm going home to my pillow tomorrow.
#3goodthings #reasonstobecheerful
#3goodthings for a Monday
1. Surface Noise with Joe McGasko on #wfmu
2. The Filibuster Saloon on #Bandcamp
3. Ice cream van in the neighbourhood playing the Monty Python theme tune.
#3goodthings #wfmu #bandcamp #reasonstobecheerful #music #genreoftheweek #Prog #radio
#3GoodThings #ReasonsToBeCheerful
1. Watched 'Happiness for Beginners' on Netflix and they talked about 3 good things in a sense, so I'm determined-ish to share mine every day.
2. Cleared 50% of my work backlog due to a workshop last week. My employees will be relieved.
3. Snagged a really awesome leftovers cookbook using mostly Google Opinion Rewards.
#3goodthings #reasonstobecheerful
@ProjectFearlessness All the more thanks to #DavidByrne @dbtodomundo for #ReasonsToBeCheerful
#davidbyrne #reasonstobecheerful
En dan gaan we eens wat grauwe erwten oogsten. Omdat het kan. #reasonstobecheerful
@IanThistlethwaite @3goodthings
1. Super big heads of cabbage
2. Super big tomes of SF
3. Super big crowds blocking the cops from kettling anyone anywhere in the world.
#reasonstobecheerful #3goodthings
@IanThistlethwaite @3goodthings
1) Being able to help people
2) Being able to feed animals
3) Being chuffed to sabotage patriarchy for sport
#reasonstobecheerful #3goodthings
@IanThistlethwaite @3goodthings
1) Tina Turner
2) Vegetarian foods
3) Apocalyptic graffiti on public buildings in red states
#ReasonsToBeCheerful #3goodthings @3goodthings
#reasonstobecheerful #3goodthings
@IanThistlethwaite @3goodthings
1. Growing Watermellons
2. Star Trek Picard
3. Cats
#ReasonsToBeCheerful #3goodthings
#3goodthings #reasonstobecheerful
I do not often plug things. One, I suck at it, two, most things are perfectly good at plugging themselves. For this site, I am making an exception.
We all know that there is a lot of horrible stuff going on in the world. And we do need to be informed about it so we can do something about it.
But what about the stuff that has had things done about it? We hardly ever hear about that.
A few years ago, David Bryne - ex-frontman of Talking Heads, and all-round nice guy, noticed this problem, and started a news site that focuses on solutions from around the world.
Well researched and excellently written articles about the good things in the world - giving us all a reminder of why we should keep going.
#goodnews #reasonstobecheerful #notallbad #stopdoomscrolling #news #davidbyrne #talkingheads
#goodnews #reasonstobecheerful #notallbad #stopdoomscrolling #news #davidbyrne #talkingheads
There's an excellent article at #ReasonsToBeCheerful about the need for more long-term thinking. It interviews BBC journalist Richard Fisher about his new book "The Long View: Why We Need To Transform How the World Sees Time".
"There’s a quote by John-Claude Juncker, former president of the European Commission, who in the aftermath of the financial crisis said: “We all know what to do, but we don’t know how to get reelected once we’ve done it.”"
#LongNow #Sustainability
#reasonstobecheerful #longnow #sustainability