Rachel Handley · @_RachelHandley
1626 followers · 534 posts · Server eldritch.cafe

Just look at this absolute beauty which appeared in the post the other day from the Iris Murdoch Society 💕

It includes the following and more!

Anthony Quinton, Stuart Hampshire, Iris Murdoch and Isaiah Berlin, ‘Philosophy and Beliefs: A Discussion between four Oxford Philosophers’, with an introduction by Hannah Marije Altorf

Rachel Cusk, 'On Iris Murdoch as a Woman Writer'

Fleur Jongepier, 'Iris Murdoch and Transgressive Love: On Loving and Unloving Philosophers'

Rebecca Moden, 'Blurred Lines: Iris Murdoch’s Pedagogical Relationships'

#irismurdoch #philosophy #academics #reading #readingcommunity #literatureacademics #philosophers #mastodon #irishtwitter #RachelCusk #fleurjongepier #rebeccamoden #isiahberlin

Last updated 2 years ago