Merke ich mir mal: #RebeccaSolnit, #AParadiseBuiltInHell, The Extraordinary Communities That Arise In Desaster, 2009
#rebeccasolnit #aparadisebuiltinhell
Feminism, as writer Marie Shear remarked in 1986, “is the radical notion that women are people,” a notion not universally accepted but spreading nonetheless.
#RebeccaSolnit (born 1961) in Men Explain Things To Me (2014) page 60 of 67 pages #HaymarketBooks isbn 978-1-60846-457-9
#marieshear #HaymarketBooks #rebeccasolnit
It's good work
#Kitteh #Puppy #Ralph #sundaycomics #Hope #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #NKVSSP #hopeAndDespair #wecandoit #keepgoing #SharingSunday #share #RebeccaSolnit #SundayMotivation #sundayevening #vibecheck
#kitteh #puppy #ralph #sundaycomics #hope #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #nkvssp #hopeanddespair #wecandoit #KeepGoing #sharingsunday #share #rebeccasolnit #sundaymotivation #sundayevening #vibecheck
Sim, mas os 1,5 °C já podem significar que muitas pessoas estão numa situação de desespero justificado, e tratar-se de pessoas cuja acção possível é extremamente limitada ou desconhecida.
Não podemos pôr todos os desesperos no mesmo nível.
Eu como agricultor já estou a ter prejuízos devido a Invernos amenos, e sei o que é preciso fazer. Mas não depende só de mim, e isso, francamente, é desesperante.
É como assistir a um descarrilamento.
#rebeccasolnit #gregcarr #Gorongosa
@chicob Não colocaria a questão assim dessa forma. Parece-me que a #rebeccasolnit também não o fez neste artigo. Ela dá a entender, na minha opinião, que os negacionistas são um caso perdido e que os pessimistas não podem sê-lo ao ponto de deitarem a toalha ao chão e desmotivar a acção. O próprio #GregCarr, que fez o que fez na #Gorongosa, diz isso mesmo no documentário a certa altura.
#Gorongosa #gregcarr #rebeccasolnit
Não consigo concordar completamente com este artigo.
Ainda temos tempo para travar um cenário pior do que o que já está garantido, mas a verdade é que não se está a fazer o que é preciso.
Este ano vamos bater recordes de consumo de combustíveis fósseis, e para o ano vamos bater o recorde deste ano, e assim sucessivamente até 2030.
#ecossistemas #biodiversidade #natureza #floresta #rewilding #gregcarr #amazonia #Gorongosa #sebastiaosalgado #rtpplay #rtp2 #rebeccasolnit
#rebeccasolnit #rtp2 #rtpplay #sebastiaosalgado #Gorongosa #amazonia #gregcarr #rewilding #floresta #natureza #biodiversidade #ecossistemas
#RebeccaSolnit tem razão neste artigo quando diz que os pessimistas climáticos são mais prejudiciais que os negacionistas.
Quem está na linha da frente mostra todos o dias que é possível mudar.
A propósito, puxem atrás na box e procurem este documentário na #RTP2 ou vão a #RTPPlay e vejam o trabalho fantástico de #SebastiãoSalgado, e outros tantos, na recuperação da natureza.
#Gorongosa #Amazónia #GregCarr #rewilding #floresta #natureza
#biodiversidade #ecossistemas
#ecossistemas #biodiversidade #natureza #floresta #rewilding #gregcarr #amazonia #Gorongosa #sebastiaosalgado #rtpplay #rtp2 #rebeccasolnit
"The people putting out defeatist frameworks have more impact than outright deniers, not least because deniers are rightwingers and the right is already committed to climate inaction. Doomers discourage people who otherwise might act, so they’re working toward the worst outcomes they claim to dread."
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #rebeccasolnit
"We who have materially safe and comfortable lives, and who are part of societies that contribute the lion’s share of greenhouse gases, do not have the right to surrender on behalf of others. We have the obligation to act in solidarity with them. This begins by recognising that the future has not yet been decided, because we are deciding it now." - Rebecca Solnit
#climateemergency #rebeccasolnit
"The standard action movie narrative require one exceptional person in the foreground, which requires the rest of the characters to be on the spectrum from useless to clueless to wicked, plus a few moderately helpful auxiliary characters. There are not a lot of movies about magnificent collective action"
Sharing again this *magnificent* piece + a call to arms for #ClimateJustice by #RebeccaSolnit
#rebeccasolnit #ClimateJustice
Abrazos desde la Argentina.
#Libros - #RebeccaSolnit - #Literatura - #Lecturas - #Letras - #Literaverso - #Mastodon - #Bookstodon
#libros #rebeccasolnit #literatura #lecturas #letras #literaverso #mastodon #bookstodon
@jbouie started Orwell's Roses by #RebeccaSolnit
She really is one of our best essayists ♥️
Is #RebeccaSolnit on Mastodon yet does anyone know? I know she was planning to join
My review of 'Not Too Late: Changing the Climate Story from Despair to Optimism', a book edited by Rebecca Solnit and Thelma Young Lutunatabua, published by Haymarket Books.
#climate #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateCrisis #RebeccaSolnit #ThelmaYoungLutunatabua #review #BookReview
#climate #climatecatastrophe #ClimateCrisis #rebeccasolnit #thelmayounglutunatabua #review #bookreview
Forget geoengineering. We need to stop burning #fossilfuels. Right now.
#RebeccaSolnit #theguardian
#theguardian #rebeccasolnit #fossilfuels
"This culture doesn’t know how to tell stories that don’t pit groups against each other in some warlike drama of scarcity and selfishness."
#RebeccaSolnit, 2020
She’s right, you know.
Forget geoengineering. We need to stop burning fossil fuels. Right now | Rebecca Solnit | The Guardian
#RebeccaSolnit #Geoengineering #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming
#GlobalWarming #ClimateChange #Geoengineering #rebeccasolnit
Forget geoengineering. We need to stop burning fossil fuels. Right now — Rebecca Solnit
#RebeccaSolnit #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #KeepItInTheGround #fossilFuels
#rebeccasolnit #climatecrisis #climateemergency #keepitintheground #fossilfuels
This essay by #rebeccasolnit resonates with me. Throughout my life, I have been happiest & healthiest when most focused on creative work, community, and positive action for the common good. If we focus on what we have to gain from confronting climate change and wake up from our fear and despair, the possibilities open up. #climatecrisis #climatedenial #climateoptimism #Community #climateactionow
#climateactionow #Community #climateoptimism #climatedenial #ClimateCrisis #rebeccasolnit
Preach! #RebeccaSolnit hits the nail on the head. If we change our perception of "wealth" from money and possessions to community, proximity to nature, and a fulfilling life, then the *necessary* changes coming will not bring loss but actually an improved standard of living!
"What if #climateChange meant not doom — but abundance?"
#rebeccasolnit #climatechange #solarpunk #degrowth