đ #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #TheMusicAndMeditationPodcast
Eleanor Haward, Rebecca Turner, Daisy Spiers, Miwa Rosso, BBC Singers & David Hill:
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#EleanorHaward #RebeccaTurner #DaisySpiers #MiwaRosso #BBCSingers #DavidHill
#nowplaying #themusicandmeditationpodcast #eleanorhaward #rebeccaturner #daisyspiers #miwarosso #BBCSingers #DavidHill
đ #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Eleanor Haward, BBC Singers, Rebecca Turner, Miwa Rosso, Daisy Spiers & David Hill:
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#EleanorHaward #BBCSingers #RebeccaTurner #MiwaRosso #DaisySpiers #DavidHill
#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #eleanorhaward #BBCSingers #rebeccaturner #miwarosso #daisyspiers #DavidHill
đ #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InTune
Eleanor Haward, BBC Singers, Rebecca Turner, Miwa Rosso, Daisy Spiers & David Hill:
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#EleanorHaward #BBCSingers #RebeccaTurner #MiwaRosso #DaisySpiers #DavidHill
#nowplaying #intune #eleanorhaward #BBCSingers #rebeccaturner #miwarosso #daisyspiers #DavidHill
#VeroniqueGens, Berlioz, Les Nuits d'ÊtÊ Op. 7: Villanelle
#HowlinWolf, Spoonful
#RebeccaTurner, Be A Man
#RayCharles, Teardrops In My Heart
#GinBlossoms, Hey Jealousy
#TheDandyBlossoms, Cool Scene
#SwanDive, Down On Love
#FaniaAllStars feat. #CeliaCruz, Cuando Despiertes
#celiacruz #faniaallstars #swandive #thedandyblossoms #ginblossoms #raycharles #rebeccaturner #howlinwolf #veroniquegens #TheMorningLine
#TheClovers, Don't You Know I Love You
#LetsEatGrandma, Whitewater
#RebeccaTurner, The Song With the Descending Tune
#ChrisBell, Untitled Acoustic Instrumental
#TomLehrer, She's My Girl
#SutherlandBrothersandQuiver, Beat Of The Street
#CountingCrows, Mr. Jones
#AlbertKing, I Love Lucy
Let's Eat Grandma, I Will Be Waiting
#MuddyWaters, 19 Years Old
#MuddyWaters #AlbertKing #CountingCrows #sutherlandbrothersandquiver #tomlehrer #chrisbell #rebeccaturner #letseatgrandma #theclovers #TheMorningLine