🎒 Pour bien commencer cette "rentrée" 2023, préparons des visuels "made in" #ExtinctionRebellion ⏳
Pour ça, un outil libre et facile d'accès, le "générateur de visuel" pour customiser nos affiches :
👉 https://extinctionrebellion.aktivisda.earth/fr/
🎨 L'artivisme (art + activisme) est une composante essentielle chez "XR", et TOUT LE MONDE peut participer à son développement 🤗
Quelques exemples de visuels 👇
#extinctionrebellion #rebelforlife
Parce que nous n'avons plus le temps de prendre des pincettes !
Parce que chaque minute compte, chaque dixième de degré compte, chaque espèce compte !!
Parce que #TotalEnergies reste impassible face aux recours légaux ou aux actions précédenes !!!
Nous devons augmenter la pression 🤜🛢️🤛🏿
⛽ Notre extinction a l'odeur de l'essence ⁉️ Notre action a le gout de la rébellion ⛏️
#totalenergies #blocagetotal #carnagetotal #stopeacop #extinctionrebellion #rebelforlife #actnow
🔁🇬🇧 Traduction 🇫🇷🔁
"Extinction Rebellion UK a besoin de vous !"
Pour celleux qui le peuvent, RDV à #Londres dès ce vendredi 21 avril pour #TheBigOne 👉 https://extinctionrebellion.uk/
#londres #thebigone #extinctionrebellion #rebelforlife #actnow
RT @ScientistsX
What a slap in the face of those scientists who faithfully devoted themselves to the #IPCC process.
Government's have shown that they will not listen to evidence & reason.
They leave us with no choice but to engage in civil disobedience!
I really enjoy trying out propagation & transplanting of plants that majority of 'experts' say not to do 🤣 I delight from being successful! In gardening, like in photography, I learn 'the rules' first. Then I have tons of fun, breaking the rules & coming out with some pretty awesome results! #RebelForLife 🤘
RT @ThierryAaron
Anyone still think that Governments are serious about the Paris Agreement?
What's left but to #RebelForLife?
#ClimateEmergency #endfossilfuels #stopwillow #rebelforlife
RT @FlorianHenig
Von den jüngeren Generation und allen danach wird verlangt, dass wir auf einen lebenswerten Planeten verzichten sollen, damit eine Handvoll Boomer und Reiche sich nicht ändern müssen.
#Klimakatastrophe #Massensterben #Verzicht #RebelForLife
#klimakatastrophe #Massensterben #verzicht #rebelforlife
👏👏👏 #klimaatbeschermers
"Dit is @extinctionrebellionnl ten voeten uit: een klassiek concert met oa topvioliste Vera Beths (moeder van Katja Herbers) midden op de #A12. #rebelforlife #StopFossieleSubsidies"
(van Lucas Winnips op Tw*tter)
"Orchestra plays Beethoven at Extinction Rebellion protest on A12"
#StopFossieleSubsidies #rebelforlife #a12 #klimaatbeschermers
RT @CorneliaHuth
Wie zynisch! Es gibt viele, die so denken - auch in meiner Verwandtschaft. Mich macht das enorm wütend, ist ein Antreiber für meinen Aktivismus. Ich werde NICHT einfach zusehen, wie meine Zukunft, die meiner beiden Kinder und aller Kinder dieser Welt zerstört wird!
#RebelForLife https://twitter.com/carla_hinrichs_/status/1626269547165634562
RT @BernardMcCarty@twitter.com
"...the UK now has political prisoners, incarcerated for defending sustainable life on Earth..."
#TellTheTruth #ActNow #RebelForLife #Rebel #XR
#ToryClimateCriminals #ClimateChaos #ToryChaos
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BernardMcCarty/status/1612005796367269889
#tellthetruth #actnow #rebelforlife #rebel #xr #toryclimatecriminals #climatechaos #torychaos
*SOLD* Original Acrylic painting of the Extinction Rebellion protests in London. Now in a private collection.
#redrebelbrigade #spreadthered #extinctionrebellion #xr #thisisanemergency #tellthetruth #climatecrisis #climatechange #climatestrike #climatedenial #climatereality #climatebreakdown #climateemergency #climateactivist #savetheplanet #protest #rebelforlife #civildisobedience #nonviolentdirectaction #activism #action #invisiblecircus #ecocide
#redrebelbrigade #spreadthered #ExtinctionRebellion #xr #thisisanemergency #tellthetruth #climatecrisis #climatechange #ClimateStrike #ClimateDenial #climatereality #climatebreakdown #climateemergency #climateactivist #savetheplanet #protest #rebelforlife #civildisobedience #nonviolentdirectaction #activism #action #invisiblecircus #ecocide
RT @ThierryAaron
Expanding a coal mine in Germany 🇩🇪 in 2023?!?
Scientists say "Hell No!"
Civil disobedience is totally justified to stop the harm.
#Lutzerath #LuetziBleibt
#ClimateEmergency #ClimateActionNow https://twitter.com/MGSchmelzer/status/1612730466842431488
#rebelforlife #Lutzerath #LuetziBleibt #climateemergency #climateactionnow
RT @ThierryAaron
Expanding a coal mine in Germany 🇩🇪 in 2023?!?
Scientists say "Hell No!"
Civil disobedience is totally justified to stop the harm.
#Lutzerath #LuetziBleibt
#ClimateEmergency #ClimateActionNow https://twitter.com/MGSchmelzer/status/1612730466842431488
#rebelforlife #lutzerath #luetzibleibt #climateemergency #climateactionnow
Our leaders have failed us
The system has failed us
The social contract is broken
⏰⏳ Time's up!
#JoinTheRebellion #UprootTheSystem #RebelForLife
💚✊ Join us now
#DontLookUp #EndFossilFuels #JustStopOil
#ClimateJustice #JustTransition #HumanRights https://twitter.com/CodeRedEarth/status/1612784481089343490
#HumanRights #justtransition #climatejustice #juststopoil #endfossilfuels #DontLookUp #rebelforlife #UprootTheSystem #jointherebellion
RT @ExtinctionR
When you see the destruction with your own eyes,
When you see the mining or the new pipeline or the gas flaring from a refinery…
When it’s up close and personal,
- that’s the moment when you know in your heart that you must #RebelForLife ❤️
What was your moment? https://twitter.com/joanielemercier/status/1604853136295743488
"...the UK now has political prisoners, incarcerated for defending sustainable life on Earth..."
#TellTheTruth #ActNow #RebelForLife #Rebel #XR
#ToryClimateCriminals #ClimateChaos #ToryChaos
#tellthetruth #actnow #rebelforlife #rebel #xr #toryclimatecriminals #climatechaos #torychaos
RT @OccupyLondon
All power @gailbradbrook cofounder of @ExtinctionR and @money_rebellion history will remember such selfless acts as justified and heroic. #RebelForLife
It is easy to switch your bank from #Barclays the dirtiest of them all https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-gloucestershire-64193016.amp
🌺 XR LYON en 2022 ✊
XR #Lyon
en 2022 c'était pas mal d'artivismes 🎨, d'accueils, de formations 📚 et d'interventions de sensibilisation 💚 !
Mais aussi des manifs 🙌, des actions ✊, des liens entre les autres Groupes Locaux et avec les autres luttes 🤗 , et plein de belles choses encore …
Le mouvement bouge et accueille toujours plus de membres.
Et si c'était toi en 2023 ? 💚🔥
Crédits insta 📸 : @engrainage.media @broth_earth @dafcall @alisunsonsun
#lyon #rebelforlife #extinctionrebellion
@sukima @MichalBryxi @nullvoxpopuli
Right planet, wrong people with too much of the power.
Thing is - software development is a team effort - you can't do it all alone.