This is the perfect Mashup!
RT @nerodsi
Heather Mason from Silent Hill 3 mod for Ashley Graham in Resident Evil 4 Remake
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #RE4 #ResidentEvil4Remake #AshleyGraham #HeatherMason #SilentHill3 #Capcom
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #re4 #ResidentEvil4remake #ashleygraham #heathermason #silenthill3 #Capcom
RT @nerodsi
Jill & Carlos - Resident Evil 3 Remake
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #RE3 #ResidentEvil3remake #JillValentine #CarlosOliveira #Biohazard #Capcom
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #re3 #residentevil3remake #jillvalentine #carlosoliveira #biohazard #Capcom
RT @nerodsi
Osmund Saddler TEPPEN art
#ResidentEvil #REBH27th #REBHFun #RE4 #ResidentEvil4 #Biohazard #OsmundSaddler #Capcom #TEPPEN
#residentevil #rebh27th #REBHFun #re4 #residentevil4 #biohazard #OsmundSaddler #Capcom #teppen
RT @nerodsi
Jill Valentine & Chris Redfield in Resident Evil RE:Verse
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #JillValentine #ChrisRedfield #Biohazard #ResidentEvil3remake #ResidentEvilVillage #Capcom
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #jillvalentine #chrisredfield #biohazard #residentevil3remake #ResidentEvilVillage #Capcom
RT @nerodsi
Rebecca Chambers in Resident Evil Vendetta (2017) & Resident Evil Death Island (2023)
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #ResidentEvilVendetta #ResidentEvilDeathIsland #RebeccaChambers #Biohazard #Capcom
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #residentevilvendetta #residentevildeathisland #rebeccachambers #biohazard #Capcom
RT @nerodsi
Why not play Resident Evil Village?
We have:
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #REVillage #ResidentEvilVillage #EthanWinters #ChrisRedfield #Biohazard #Meme #Capcom
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #revillage #ResidentEvilVillage #ethanwinters #chrisredfield #biohazard #meme #Capcom
RT @nerodsi
How we'll all be by the time we get a Resident Evil Code Veronica Remake 😅😂
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #RE4 #ResidentEvil4 #ResidentEvil4Remake #ResidentEvilCodeVeronica #Biohazard #Meme #Capcom
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #re4 #residentevil4 #ResidentEvil4remake #residentevilcodeveronica #biohazard #meme #Capcom
The legendary jumpscare
RT @nerodsi
Yep, it's accurate 😂
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #RE #Biohazard #Meme #TheSimpsons #Capcom
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #re #biohazard #meme #thesimpsons #Capcom
RT @nerodsi
Claire Redfield in Resident Evil Death Island (2023) ❤️
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #ResidentEvilDeathIsland #ClaireRedfield #Biohazard #screenshots #Capcom
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #residentevildeathisland #claireredfield #biohazard #screenshots #Capcom
RT @nerodsi
Ada Wong's classic OG RE4 dress mod in Resident Evil 4 Remake 😍
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #RE4 #mod #ResidentEvil4 #ResidentEvil4Remake #Biohazard #Capcom #AdaWong
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #re4 #mod #residentevil4 #ResidentEvil4remake #biohazard #Capcom #adawong
RT @nerodsi
I see you 👀
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #RE4 #ResidentEvil4 #ResidentEvil4Remake #Biohazard #LeonKennedy #Meme #Capcom
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #re4 #residentevil4 #ResidentEvil4remake #biohazard #leonkennedy #meme #Capcom
RT @nerodsi
Luis Sera in Resident Evil 4 Remake 😍
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #RE4 #ResidentEvil4 #ResidentEvil4Remake #Biohazard #Capcom #LuisSera
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #re4 #residentevil4 #ResidentEvil4remake #biohazard #Capcom #luissera
RT @nerodsi
Poor Resident Evil 3 Remake & Code Veronica 😔
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #RE3 #ResidentEvil3 #ResidentEvil3remake #Biohazard #Meme #ResidentEvilCodeVeronica #Capcom
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #re3 #residentevil3 #residentevil3remake #biohazard #meme #residentevilcodeveronica #Capcom
RT @nerodsi
Resident Evil 3 Remake Carlos Oliveira Twitter header/banner made by me! 🖤
Feel free to use it if you'd like!
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #RE3 #ResidentEvil3 #ResidentEvil3Remake #CarlosOliveira #Biohazard #edit #Capcom
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #re3 #residentevil3 #residentevil3remake #carlosoliveira #biohazard #edit #Capcom
RT @nerodsi
RE4R Leon Kennedy & Ada Wong tweeting
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #RE4 #ResidentEvil4Remake #LeonKennedy #AdaWong #Meme #Biohazard #Capcom
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #re4 #ResidentEvil4remake #leonkennedy #adawong #meme #biohazard #Capcom
RT @nerodsi
"Stand back Ashley, this resident is getting evil"
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #RE4 #ResidentEvil4 #ResidentEvil4Remake #AshleyGraham #LeonKennedy #Meme #Biohazard
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #re4 #residentevil4 #ResidentEvil4remake #ashleygraham #leonkennedy #meme #biohazard
RT @nerodsi
Albert Wesker in Resident Evil 4 (2005) & Resident Evil 4 (2023)
#ResidentEvil #REBH27th #REBHFun #RE4 #ResidentEvil4 #ResidentEvil4Remake #AlbertWesker #Biohazard #Capcom
#residentevil #rebh27th #REBHFun #re4 #residentevil4 #ResidentEvil4remake #albertwesker #biohazard #Capcom
RT @nerodsi
One of my biggest hopes for Resident Evil 9 is that we see Sheva Alomar in it 🙏 I really miss her & she deserves to come back!
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #ShevaAlomar #RE5 #ResidentEvil5 #Biohazard #Capcom
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #shevaalomar #re5 #residentevil5 #biohazard #Capcom
RT @nerodsi
The queens of Resident Evil 4 👑
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #RE4 #ResidentEvil4 #ResidentEvil4Remake #AshleyGraham #AdaWong #Biohazard #Capcom
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #re4 #residentevil4 #ResidentEvil4remake #ashleygraham #adawong #biohazard #Capcom
RT @nerodsi
I'm going to jump!
Do a flip!
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #REVillage #ResidentEvilVillage #Biohazard #AlcinaDimitrescu #Meme #Capcom
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #revillage #ResidentEvilVillage #biohazard #alcinadimitrescu #meme #Capcom