Thanks again to John Davenport (US), Ali Al Hajj Sleiman (Mali) and Roberto Castaldi (Italy) for participating in our #RebootSpecial on constitutional reform. The round table is now available at and as a #Reboot2030 podcast, across all leading platforms.
Thanks again to Yoshua Bengio (CA) and John Bunzl (UK) for participating in our #RebootSpecial on #AI and #internationalcooperation. The round table is now available at and, as a #Reboot2030 podcast, across all leading platforms.
#rebootspecial #ai #internationalcooperation #reboot2030
Round table on corporate citizenship: Join us for a #RebootSpecial on at 10:00 AM CET on Tuesday, 11 July for a live debate with leading experts from Australia, Germany and Italy. For more information visit
#reboot2030 #corporatecitizenship #climatechange #environment #regulation
#rebootspecial #reboot2030 #corporatecitizenship #climatechange #environment #regulation #eu
Do you, dear reader, know of any transformational leader you think we should be talking to? If so, do tell us. We would love to hear about them. 9/9
#DemocracySchool #Reboot2030 #Climate #Environment #Justice
#democracyschool #reboot2030 #climate #environment #justice
Our public intellectuals open our eyes to new possibilities and thus to pave the way for our institution builders and policy entrepreneurs to do their work. 8/9
#DemocracySchool #Reboot2030 #Climate #Environment #Justice
#democracyschool #reboot2030 #climate #environment #justice
Our public intellectuals open our eyes to new possibilities and thus to pave the way for our institution builders and policy entrepreneurs to do their work. 8/9
#DemocracySchool #Reboot2030 #Climate #Environment #Justice
#democracyschool #reboot2030 #climate #environment #justice
Our policy entrepreneurs work within existing structures, devising and utilising policies and legal strategies that enable and/or accelerate the transition. 7/9
#DemocracySchool #Reboot2030 #Climate #Environment #Justice
#democracyschool #reboot2030 #climate #environment #justice
Our institution builders envision, design and build the new structures (networks, institutions and physical infrastructure) that will transform our societies and economies. 6/9
#DemocracySchool #Reboot2030 #Climate #Environment #Justice
#democracyschool #reboot2030 #climate #environment #justice
At Reboot2030 we divide our contributors into three symbiotically interrelated groups: institution builders, policy entrepreneurs and public intellectuals. 5/9
#DemocracySchool #Reboot2030 #Climate #Environment #Justice
#democracyschool #reboot2030 #climate #environment #justice
Just as it apparently takes a whole village to raise a child, we believe it take more than one kind of organisation, individual or approach to solve the complex of existential crises we face. 4/9
#DemocracySchool #Reboot2030 #Climate #Environment #Justice
#democracyschool #reboot2030 #climate #environment #justice
To shed some light on these questions we have created Reboot2030, a podcast and YouTube channel that engages transformational leaders in an ongoing dialogue about their vision and work. 3/9
#DemocracySchool #Reboot2030 #Climate #Environment #Justice
#democracyschool #reboot2030 #climate #environment #justice
Do you, dear reader, know of any transformational leader you think we should be talking to? If so, do tell us. We would love to hear about them. 9/9
#DemocracySchool #Reboot2030 #Climate #Environment #Justice
#democracyschool #reboot2030 #climate #environment #justice
Our public intellectuals open our eyes to new possibilities and thus to pave the way for our institution builders and policy entrepreneurs to do their work. 8/9
#DemocracySchool #Reboot2030 #Climate #Environment #Justice
#democracyschool #reboot2030 #climate #environment #justice
Our policy entrepreneurs work within existing structures, devising and utilising policies and legal strategies that enable and/or accelerate the transition. 7/9
#DemocracySchool #Reboot2030 #Climate #Environment #Justice
#democracyschool #reboot2030 #climate #environment #justice
Our institution builders envision, design and build the new structures (networks, institutions and physical infrastructure) that will transform our societies and economies. 6/9
#DemocracySchool #Reboot2030 #Climate #Environment #Justice
#democracyschool #reboot2030 #climate #environment #justice
At Reboot2030 we divide our contributors into three symbiotically interrelated groups: institution builders, policy entrepreneurs and public intellectuals. 5/9
#DemocracySchool #Reboot2030 #Climate #Environment #Justice
#democracyschool #reboot2030 #climate #environment #justice
Just as it apparently takes a whole village to raise a child, we believe it take more than one kind of organisation, individual or approach to solve the complex of existential crises we face. 4/9
#DemocracySchool #Reboot2030 #Climate #Environment #Justice
#democracyschool #reboot2030 #climate #environment #justice
To shed some light on these questions we have created Reboot2030, a podcast and YouTube channel that engages transformational leaders in an ongoing dialogue about their vision and work. 3/9
#DemocracySchool #Reboot2030 #Climate #Environment #Justice
#democracyschool #reboot2030 #climate #environment #justice
If so, who are the people and organisations that drive the transition to a sustainably regenerative negative carbon economy and a better life for all? 2/9
#DemocracySchool #Reboot2030 #Climate #Environment #Justice
#democracyschool #reboot2030 #climate #environment #justice
Thread: Are we headed irreversibly towards catastrophe, or do we have what it takes to fundamentally remake our world in time – sustainably, regeneratively and equitably? 1/9
#DemocracySchool #Reboot2030 #Climate #Environment #Justice
#democracyschool #reboot2030 #climate #environment #justice