I am now watching "Reborn to Master the Blade: From Hero-King to Extraordinary Squire"
I have no idea what the hashtag for this anime is.
#RebornToMasterTheBlade ?
I mean here are the #Winter2020Anime shows that I’m still watching:
#KanColle (assuming it solves its scheduling issues and actually delivers another episode) (Shigure still needs all the hugs)
#FarmingLifeInAnotherWorld (Yes it’s a harem show, but pleasant enough for what it is)
#winter2020anime #thetaleofoutcasts #saving80000goldinanotherworldformyretirement #theangelnextdoorspoilsmerotten #strongestexorcist #reborntomastertheblade #campfirecookinginanotherworld #ningenfushin #sugarapplefairytale #reincarnatedprincess #bofuri #handymansaitouinanotherworld #theiceguyandhiscoolfemalecolleague #inspectre #kancolle #farminglifeinanotherworld #ipponagain #kubowontletmebeinvisible
A starter post with tags for anime I plan to try this season.
2nd Season:
#IDOLiSH7 #BlueLock #playitcoolguys #TokyoRevengers #thevampirediesinnotime #tsurune #D4DJ #mouippon #flaglia #kubowontletmebeinvisible #malevolentspirits #reborntomastertheblade #campfirecookinginanotherworld #theiceguyandhiscoolfemalecolleague #themagicalrevolutionofthereincarnated #kainaofthegreatsnowsea #onimai #revenger #technoroid #tomochanisagirl #winteranime2023 #anime
Reborn to Master the Blade: From Hero-King to Extraordinary Squire ♀ (Episode 1):
I really enjoy the light novels, and this first episode did a good job with the adaptation outside of I wish it looked better. It's definitely keeping pace with the humor from the books.
I do look forward to how the battle junkie in Chris is dealt with. It can be a bit much at times in the LNs as they go on. Overall though, I have high hopes for this one.
#reborntomastertheblade #anime #winter2023anime
One more long list before I step away from my desk. Anime I will (attempt) to watch for winter 2023. Some of these may not be available, some may not appeal.
Returning/continuing anime:
On Crunchyroll/HiDive:
#IDOLiSH7 #TokyoRevengers #playitcoolguys #thevampirediesinnotime #tsurune #D4DJ #obeyme #BlueLock #mouippon #flaglia #kubowontletmebeinvisible #malevolentspirits #reborntomastertheblade #campfirecookinginanotherworld #theiceguyandhiscoolfemalecolleague
[Anime] Primer tráiler y elenco de Reborn to Master the Blade
#RebornToMasterTheBlade #StudioComet #TemporadaAnimeInvierno2023 https://t.co/9zd6EMrQnY
#reborntomastertheblade #studiocomet #temporadaanimeinvierno2023