Last week the Senate approved to expand the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, also known as #RECA. The amendment would bring eligibility for compensation to downwinders and post-1971 uranium miners.
In the summer of 2019 I covered an event in #Shiprock where over 400 former #uranium miners or deceased miners’ families came out to testify on why expansion was needed. This is my article on the expansion.
"They faced the first atomic blast's fallout. 'Oppenheimer' ignores them." Washington Post, gift link that bypasses paywall. July 29, 2023.
'“They were counting on us to be unsophisticated and uneducated and unable to stick up for ourselves,” said Tina Cordova, a Tularosa native who for 18 years has led the Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium, which she co-founded after being diagnosed with thyroid cancer. “We’re not those people anymore.”'
How The #Trinity #Nuclear Test Spread #Radioactive #Fallout Across #America
Story by The Physics arXiv Blog, July 26, 2023
"The #TrinityNuclearTest on 16 July 1945 is a key incident in the blockbuster #Oppenheimer movie and in the history of humankind. Many scientists think it marks the beginning of the #Anthropocene, a new geological era characterized by humanity’s influence on the Earth. That’s because Trinity’s radioactive fallout will forever appear in the geological record, creating a unique signature of human activity that can be precisely dated.
"But there’s a problem. In 1945, radioactive monitoring techniques were in their infancy so there are few direct measurements of fallout beyond the test site. What’s more, #weather patterns were also less well understood so the spread of fallout could not be easily determined.
"As a result, nobody really knows how widely Trinity’s fallout spread across the U.S. or indeed, how the fallout dispersed from other atmospheric nuclear tests on the U.S. mainland.
"Today, that changes thanks to the work of Sébastien Philippe at Princeton University and colleagues. This team have used a state-of-the art weather simulation for the 5 days after each nuclear test to simulate how the fallout would have dispersed.
"The result is the highest resolution estimate ever made of the spread of radioactive fallout across the U.S. It marks the start of the Anthropocene with extraordinary precision and it throws up some significant surprises. Some parts of the U.S. are known to have received high levels of fallout and the new work is consistent with this. But the research also reveals some parts of the US that received significant fallout without anybody realizing.
"The findings 'provide an opportunity for re-evaluating the public health and environmental implications from atmospheric nuclear testing,' say Philippe and co.
"Between 1945 and 1962, the U.S. conducted 94 atmospheric nuclear tests that generated yields of up to 74 kilotons of TNT. (Seven other tests were damp squibs.) 93 of these tests took place in #Nevada but the first, the Trinity test in the Oppenheimer film, took place in #NewMexico.
"The new work also has implications for the way compensation is paid to people who suffered from radiation exposure. The U.S Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (#RECA) provides monetary compensation for this in various counties and #tribal lands.
"But the new work reveals places that are not covered by the Act but that also received high exposure. 'There are locations in New Mexico, and in other parts of the United States, including #Utah, #Nevada, #Wyoming, #Colorado, #Arizona, and #Idaho, where #radionuclide deposition reached levels larger than those we estimate in some counties covered by RECA,' say the researchers.
"That’s interesting work with important implications. And it has been released in conjunction with the Oppenheimer movie, presumably to give it maximum exposure, and rightly so."
#trinity #nuclear #radioactive #fallout #america #trinitynucleartest #Oppenheimer #anthropocene #weather #nevada #NewMexico #reca #tribal #utah #Wyoming #colorado #arizona #idaho #radionuclide #nonukes #nowar #nuclearweapons
In Regione ricoperte/i di fango: “Esigiamo la neutralità climatica entro il 2030!” #Benicomuni,territorieambiente #colonnasolidaleautogestita #ExtinctionRebellion #AcabnewsBologna #alluvione #regione #plat #reca
#benicomuni #colonnasolidaleautogestita #extinctionrebellion #acabnewsbologna #alluvione #regione #plat #reca
Even if the Trinity downwinders are successful with #RECA, Cordova still worries about the legacy of the atomic blast in #NewMexico. RECA only provides compensation for people exposed to #radiation before the summer of 1962. . . . . many second-generation atomic bomb survivors believe that the risk of cancer can be passed down to future generations. This would mean that the legacy of Trinity will live on, for far longer than any legislation can reach.
#NM #Uranium
#reca #newmexico #radiation #nm #uranium
E comunque TikTok ruba più dati sugli Stati Uniti e sui suoi cittadini di un milione di palloncini spia cinesi… 😀😀#cina #usa #SpeziaNapoli #timdown #cepostaperte #5febbraio #BuonaDomenica #Lozano #DAZN #Leao #Rivalità #Reca #Travaglio #Politano #Tanti #OrnellaVanoni #Egonu
#cina #usa #spezianapoli #timdown #cepostaperte #5febbraio #BuonaDomenica #lozano #dazn #Leao #rivalita #reca #travaglio #politano #tanti #OrnellaVanoni #Egonu
Interesting and important paper solving structures of the RecA filament bound to the various proteins it activates, including LexA.
Loop 2 of RecA intimately associates with bound LexA. Very strongly complementing our findings that phosphorylation of L2 regulates LexA cleavage in the mycobacterial DDR:
#genomicintegrity #dnadamage #mutagenesis #reca
La delegazione senior di Clarion si reca a Las Vegas per preparare per il ritorno dei marchi di giochi di tendenza a ICE 2023 | JAMMA #delegazione #senior #clarion #reca #vegas #preparare #ritorno #marchi #giochi #tendenza #jamma #13agosto
#13agosto #jamma #Tendenza #giochi #marchi #ritorno #preparare #vegas #reca #Clarion #senior #delegazione
Brescia, stroncato da malore mentre si reca nel suo locale: morto barbiere di 51 anni – StopCensura #brescia #stroncato #malore #reca #locale #morto #barbiere #stopcensura #15giugno
#15giugno #stopcensura #barbiere #morto #locale #reca #malore #stroncato #brescia
::: Notizie brevi ::: #ReteEmergenzaClimaticaeAmbientaleEmilia-Romagna #Coordinamentoregionalecomitatiacquapubblica #Benicomuni,territorieambiente #Redditoelottesociali #assembleesindacali #Lavoroeprecarietà #consigliocomunale #sanpietroincasale #Guerreeconflitti #AcabnewsBologna #servizioidrico #guerraucraina #Movimenti #Cronaca #asiausb #sfratto #guerra #lepore #acqua #asia #casa #reca #sgb
#sgb #reca #casa #asia #acqua #lepore #guerra #sfratto #asiausb #cronaca #movimenti #guerraucraina #servizioidrico #acabnewsbologna #guerreeconflitti #sanpietroincasale #consigliocomunale #lavoroeprecarietà #assembleesindacali #redditoelottesociali #benicomuni #Coordinamentoregionalecomitatiacquapubblica #ReteEmergenzaClimaticaeAmbientaleEmilia
Ambiente e clima, parte la raccolta firme per le quattro leggi popolari #ReteEmergenzaClimaticaeAmbientaleEmilia-Romagna #Benicomuni,territorieambiente #leggidiinziativapopolare #AcabnewsBologna #Fotonotizia #Movimenti #clima #reca
#reca #clima #movimenti #Fotonotizia #acabnewsbologna #leggidiinziativapopolare #benicomuni #ReteEmergenzaClimaticaeAmbientaleEmilia
#RECA Rete Emergenza Climatica e Ambientale per l' #EmiliaRomagna vuole presentare 4 nuove leggi di iniziativa popolare su #acqua #rifiuti #energia #consumoDiSuolo .
Sembra interessante.
E dove ci si tiene informati?
Solo su #Facebook ovviamente oppure si scrive al loro indirizzo #Gmail .
Vogliono "cambiare gli indirizzi predominanti, per innescare un nuovo meccanismo partecipativo che riveda il modello produttivo e sociale".
Su Facebook.
Con gli strumenti di Google.
#gmail #facebook #consumodisuolo #energia #rifiuti #acqua #emiliaromagna #reca
Dall’acqua pubblica allo stop al consumo di suolo: partono quattro leggi popolari #ReteEmergenzaClimaticaeAmbientaleEmilia-Romagna #Benicomuni,territorieambiente #"Nessunospazioalfascismo" #AcabnewsBologna #consumodisuolo #leggepopolare #legambiente #rinnovabili #Movimenti #ambiente #rifiuti #acqua #reca
#reca #acqua #rifiuti #ambiente #movimenti #rinnovabili #legambiente #leggepopolare #consumodisuolo #acabnewsbologna #benicomuni #ReteEmergenzaClimaticaeAmbientaleEmilia
“Diciamo no alla proroga degli affidamenti del servizio idrico” #ReteEmergenzaClimaticaeAmbientaleEmilia-Romagna #Coordinamentoregionalecomitatiacquapubblica #Benicomuni,territorieambiente #regioneemiliaromagna #AcabnewsBologna #acquapubblica #Movimenti #Cronaca #recaer #acqua #reca
#reca #acqua #recaer #cronaca #movimenti #acquapubblica #acabnewsbologna #regioneemiliaromagna #benicomuni #Coordinamentoregionalecomitatiacquapubblica #ReteEmergenzaClimaticaeAmbientaleEmilia
Il Patto per il clima e per il lavoro consegnato in Regione #Reteperl’Emergenzaclimaticaeambientaledell’Emilia-Romagna #Benicomuni,territorieambiente #pattoperilclimaeperillavoro #assemblealegislativa #regioneemiliaromagna #ExtinctionRebellion #AcabnewsBologna #giuntaregionale #trivellazioni #Movimenti #cingolani #ambiente #trivelle #Cronaca #clima #reca #xr
#xr #reca #clima #cronaca #trivelle #ambiente #Cingolani #movimenti #trivellazioni #giuntaregionale #acabnewsbologna #extinctionrebellion #regioneemiliaromagna #assemblealegislativa #pattoperilclimaeperillavoro #benicomuni #Reteperl
Quello della Regione è fumoso: ecco il Patto per il clima elaborato dal basso #Reteperl’Emergenzaclimaticaeambientaledell’Emilia-Romagna #ReteEmergenzaClimaticaeAmbientaleEmilia-Romagna #Benicomuni,territorieambiente #pattoperilclimaeperillavoro #pattoperillavoroeperilclima #regioneemiliaromagna #Lavoroeprecarietà #AcabnewsBologna #emilia-romagna #Movimenti #bonaccini #ambiente #regione #clima #reca
#reca #clima #regione #ambiente #bonaccini #movimenti #emilia #acabnewsbologna #lavoroeprecarietà #regioneemiliaromagna #pattoperillavoroeperilclima #pattoperilclimaeperillavoro #benicomuni #ReteEmergenzaClimaticaeAmbientaleEmilia #Reteperl
Il Patto per il Clima dal basso, più stringente di quello della Regione #RegioneEmilia-Romagna #ATTUALITA'EPOLITICA #Pattoperilclima #Featured #LOCALE #Reca
#reca #locale #featured #Pattoperilclima #attualita #RegioneEmilia
Patto per il clima della Regione: 71 associazioni non firmano #Reteperl’Emergenzaclimaticaeambientaledell’Emilia-Romagna #Pattoperillavoroeilclima #regioneemiliaromagna #emergenzaclimatica #AcabnewsBologna #bonaccini #ambiente #regione #recaer #clima #reca
#Reteperl #Pattoperillavoroeilclima #regioneemiliaromagna #emergenzaclimatica #acabnewsbologna #bonaccini #ambiente #regione #recaer #clima #reca