The daylight robbery was captured on a CCTV camera installed inside the Delhi tunnel. Sources told News18 that the amount robbed may be as high as Rs 50 lakh, as has been claimed by one of the accused
#BurariFlat #Recce #BrazenPragatiMaidanTunnelRobbery
#burariflat #recce #brazenpragatimaidantunnelrobbery
General assumptions Strategic Vision EDU Armed Forces 2045
#5D #AirForces #Cyber #Defence #Drones #EDA #EDASTAR #EDU #EDU2045 #EDUSTAR #Engineers #EU #EUrope #Gendarmerie #ICT #LandForces #Logistics #Maintenance #MBT #Medical #NavalForces #Recce #Tanks
#tanks #recce #navalforces #medical #mbt #maintenance #logistics #landforces #ict #gendarmerie #europe #eu #engineers #edustar #edu2045 #edu #edastar #eda #drones #defence #cyber #airforces #5D
#Cats #Jane’s #Classification (of #AFVs). Photo shows MBT then MBT firing its .50cal as LRV (still on starters, basically one of the pastes). But then as soon as LRC (eg. #scorpion type deal on low carb diet) bugs out the MBT straight back from #hulldown
raid for leftovers (not even in Jane’s that one!) Not since T34s have MBTs had monster stowage bins. #NATO designations: #Pacha (#MBT) Pipa (#LRT). #Infantry AFC #recce #Top #Mortars #Anti-Tank #ZCoy. Hour later. Stood to. Massive tank belch. 🤢
#zcoy #anti #mortars #top #recce #infantry #lrt #mbt #pacha #NATO #hulldown #scorpion #afvs #classification #jane #Cats
#BritishArmy. #OpBanner. #RoyalHampshireRegt. #COP #Recce. Proper good lads. #Infantry #COT #Troubles. No favours. No prejudice.
#troubles #cot #infantry #recce #cop #royalhampshireregt #opbanner #Britisharmy