The name may be French, but @mssprovenance can’t help noticing some similarities between the new site for the “Organisation pour la protection des manuscrits médiévaux" and #RECEPTIO
Hey whatever happened to that thing with the medievalists and the journal that was like Umberto Eco meets the Da Vinci Code meets Wile E. Coyote? #receptio
What I have seen so far (mostly on Twitter, published by a variety of accounts, and on, published by Carla #Rossi) in terms of #Receptio's reaction to the accusations of #plagiarism and creating misleading appearances, is not up to the task of defending the #reputation of a research institute and a researcher. #receptiogate [1/5]
#rossi #receptio #plagiarism #reputation #receptiogate
Gefälschte Papers sind in der Forschung leider alltäglich, aber: jahrelang ein komplettes philologisches Institut vortäuschen und Druckkostenzuschüsse abgreifen - big move. #RECEPTIO #sciencefraud #univzurich
#receptio #sciencefraud #univzurich
Anyone up for a new instance called all #receptio, all the time? Except that Paulo Enrico Bernasconi might sue us for copyright infringement.
Add the fact that in the recent iteration of the #Receptio website, a new logo appeared under the supporters, the one of "Business and Professional Women Club Ticino", an association that supports women in business. And because of the inherent sexism that exists in this case (which does not justify any of the behaviors by Prof. Rossi & co), that might be a smart move in the eyes of the public, as it might draw political attention to the case.
the thing about both Andrew Tate's arrest and the uncovering of the receptio fraud is that they are both 100% unforced errors, which are my least favourite source of drama in fiction but one of my most favourite in real life (I guess because I refuse to believe people would be that reckless until they do so irl)
like, if the two of them had minded their business they would have been fine.
#receptio #ReceptioGate #Tate #AndrewTate #Rossi #CarlaRossi
#receptio #receptiogate #tate #andrewtate #rossi #carlarossi
@SusandAmussen @mattomasini #receptiogate
Thank you very much. Very helpful. This fits my sense that #receptio would not have received any of these grants in the US. I've never heard of the government giving anyone money to make something open access.
"Only European centre for consultants to auction houses"
So not only did #receptio steal Peter Kidd's words and images, they (she?) stole his job title!
Is anyone else getting "Single White Female" vibes? #receptiogate
I've only just become aware of a worldwide controversy among medieval scholars and academics with the hashtags #receptio and #ReceptioGate.
However, when I search either hashtag, both on the Mastodon browser and on my Tusky app, nothing comes up. Can anyone explain?
A video by a Catalan scholar defending Carla Rossi has appeared on #Receptio's youtube channel.
Unfortunately, zero argument is put forth, beside extolling his undying respect for the brilliant Professoressa.
@quinnanya do you know if the #receptiogate files and #receptio website are in the @internetarchive yet? #webarchiving #internetarchive
#receptiogate #receptio #webarchiving #internetarchive
Have you seen this nonsense with the medievalist historian scandal? Apparently, someone decided to take stuff off a historian's blog and publish it as her own.
This is the background to it, but there are 5 additional entries on the blog (so far) and it gets real wild and really fast.
#receptio #sociodon #history #sociology
Not another #ReceptioGate : but another controversy involving evidence & academic rigor:
#Bible scholar's sensational Hezekiah inscription claims prompt researchers' outcry:
"leading #archaeologists & researchers from Israeli institutions" "decry a lack of scholarly checks & balances on a recent series of 'revolutionary & game-changer' #archaeological finds & discoveries that 'have been published in the popular press & on social media, prior to peer review'"
#receptiogate #bible #archaeologists #archaeological #receptio
Like watching the most ghastly, slow-motion car crash… #receptio #ReceptioGate #rossi
#rossi #receptiogate #receptio